
Managed my morning walk on the trail today.  (Lately it seems so "hit or miss" no matter how much I plan or how early I arise.  How does that happen?)  Passed a man we know.  He's been sick.  I see him out on the trail a lot.  Accompanied by his adult son.  Keeping him moving.  Keeping him safe. Keeping him cared for.  Wish I'd thought to take a picture.

I've seen that a lot on the trail.  Older people shuffling along with someone watching out for them so they don't fall, providing that vital personal contact.  How blessed they are to have someone love them so they are willing to spend time with them.  As I've watched a dear friend care for her Mom for a number of years, I've often thought the same.  How fortunate she is to have her kind daughter caring for her.  Regret will not be part of that legacy. Sweet memories will.

A pretty decent article.
Then I read this column in the newspaper.  I don't often read this particular writer - I'm not into that competition thing that is such a huge part of her life.  And I don't often agree with what she writes. Today she had something worth reading.  I so agree about being courteous.  And think it often goes hand in hand with consideration of others - which sprouts from a lack of selfishness.

There are myriads of ways in which to be courteous and considerate - too numerous to even begin to mention.  But it is a concept worth placing high on our "thought list" making it more prone to be exercised in our behavior.

I've been trying today to find gratitude in unexpected places for unexpected things.  Finding that focus to be important.
This was my morning greeting.  Lovely, huh?

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