

: to make (someone or something) completely wet
transitive verb
:  to wet thoroughly (as by soaking or immersing in liquid)
:  to soak or cover thoroughly with liquid that falls or is precipitated
:  to fill or cover completely as if by soaking or precipitation
Headed off to the Symphony last night.  Checked the weather forecast and opted for an umbrella, just to be on the safe side.   Arrived early enough to walk across the street and through City Creek for a few minutes, then headed back toward symphony hall just as a light drizzle started.

Rain, rain and more rain....
Distance from the cross walk to symphony hall:  roughly several hundred feet.  Not very far.  About a third of the way there, the heaven's floodgates opened.  Then with a simultaneous flash of light and deafening clap of thunder (yep, it was immediately over our heads) the winds came, and came again - and changed directions and swirled around us.  The umbrella was snapped inside out and we were drenched. Completely soaked.  Clear through.  (I'm convinced it was a mini-micro-burst - redundant though that sounds.)

I finally abandoned all attempts to hobble with this silly boot and flat out ran as best I could towards the door.  (I overheard another lady in the restroom (as I was attempting to salvage my non-salvageable hairdo) mention that her umbrella was probably in Kansas by now.)

The most memorable thing about the concert last night was our sogginess as we listened to a couple great singers and Doc Severinsen - who did fine for his age but I keep wondering if at 87 he might rather retire from the road concerts and enjoy life at home.

Was awake at 4 a.m. when another couple blinding lightning strikes accompanied by loud thunder filled our valley.  The Husband slept peacefully through it all.

It has continued to rain the entire day, coming down quite hard.  The best part is the beautiful green of the grass, it all looks lush and healthy.  Doesn't feel quite like the desert we really are when it rains so hard.

Received some great hugs today.  Were greeted like we were someone special by our favorite 6 year old.

And I'm looking forward to the General Women's Meeting tonight.  I can use the encouragement and inspiration I expect.  I'm grateful I can sit in the comfort of my own home, booted foot elevated (also likely jammie attired) and listen to the words of our church leaders.

Today I'm grateful for a leak-proof (as far as we know) roof that keeps us dry and safe in the storms.

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