Monday Thoughts, Peeves and Pictures

I'll start with the peeve, since I really don't like to be negative, just need to get this off my mind.  Was walking through the mall this morning.  This time of year the kiosks down the center of the mall have tripled in number, with people trying to give/sell stuff to every single passerby.  (That would include me.)  I dislike being pestered this way.  One woman even went so far as to come up close to me and ask me what I bought at ####-#### store.  Seriously?  As an opener it was off-putting, not to mention downright nosy.  Even walking fairly quickly, eyes front I felt attacked.  Now, enough on that subject.

First thing at oh-dark-thirty (and yes, it was definitely still dark out) The Husband left for his monthly visit to the office in CA.  He took (as he ever does) my heart with him.  I know he'll be careful with it.

Later, yes, much later, I headed out for my annual pilgrimage to the county offices to pay the property taxes.  Another dreaded ritual.  I'd rather keep hold of The Husband's hard earned cash.  It was beautiful (though cold) out and I mostly enjoyed the drive.  My favorite part?  Driving that 30+ mile round trip on surface streets (wasn't in the mood for the freeway) and hitting 95% of the lights green. Good way to start a week.

This morning on the trail at 12 degrees I saw this beautiful deer.  It felt really much closer than the picture portrays.  It was just ambling along - I noticed those beautiful antlers - until an out-of-breath jogger came by and startled it into bounding off.   Boing, boing, boing.  I love the urban deer we see.

We enjoyed a brief visit last night from some of our grandchilluns.  This 6 year old is certainly a man (dressed) for all seasons:  long sleeves, shorts, boots - I think he's pretty well got every season covered.  We scarfed their offering of rice-krispie treats - one of the Husband's favorites.

I turned some of my walking money into gift cards.  Went for a pair of jeans - there's a certain brand I quite like (and they come in my favored - thought not quite as readily available - straight legs). Whoa- they're on sale - 40% off.  So I bought two pair!  In a bit I'll be in the closet discarding some of the jeans I don't like quite so much. (Notice how carefully I've hidden the size!)

Today I'm grateful for warmth enough to keep the pipes from freezing, for new clothes that I'll enjoy having earned them myself (thanks to The Husband's employer!) and for green lights.  And I'm also grateful that in just a few days The Husband will be home again and the air in the house won't feel quite so empty.

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