
Been having trouble feeling like I want to dive into the Christmas thing.  I love that we celebrate the birth of our Savior.  Love the sense of happiness and anticipation in the air.  Don't love the stress quite so much.

We don't ever go away for Thanksgiving.  Just those few days away have left me with an almost "panicked" feeling - like I'm not going to manage to get everything done.  It would be easier, I'm certain, if I had some ideas for gifts.  Alas, I'm brain dead.

Amidst my numerous stops this morning I picked up a couple wreaths for our front door.  I've had my eye on these for a bit - I love that they're a bit different from the typical front door wreaths.  I love that they're made from natural materials.  (I know there are those who would like to liven them up with some "extras" and/or doodads, I like them just the way they are.) The Husband doesn't love them quite as much as I do, but he's accommodating and is fine to go along.  The best part?  When I got to the register with them, they were 1/3 off!  I'm not sure how long they'll last, they're a bit fragile, but I know I'll enjoy them this year.

Spent yesterday's lunch with my dearest friends.  We've been lunching together for perhaps almost 25 years.  Our annual Christmas get-together is a favorite.  I received this little plaque - just love the sentiment it expresses.

Now, I'm feeling pressure, I still have the ironing from our trip to accomplish.  The floors are in serious need of vacuuming.  I haven't managed to read anything in days and days - and that would be the fun thing I get to do when the work is finished.

And even amidst my stress and concerns I've managed to find some gratitude.  I'm so grateful for good news - especially when it concerns our physical health.  I'm grateful for the beauty of this day - for managing to get out first thing this morning and watch the day break through the rain and clouds. I'm grateful for friends.

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