
So last night as we're climbing into bed, kissing goodnight, The Husband says:  you were happy today.  That gave me a bit of a pause.  On reflection I decided he was right.  And independently, but simultaneously we both voiced what we thought was the reason.  I had some interaction with a friend, was able to chat with her while in the car, helping her drop her car off for service (and picking it up when the service was done).   The best part was that of all the people she could have called for a ride, she chose me.  What a lift to my soul.

Several other things during the day caused me some pleasure.

• I managed to time my visit to Joann's just right for help from the framer.  My cross-stitch will look great!  Now I just have to make sure I give it to the right person.

• My (rare treat) cruller was scrumptious! (I'm not especially big on doughnuts, but am quite fond of crullers. And they're getting harder and harder to find.)

• Spent a couple hours in rehearsal for the Ten Virgins program.  I've struggled with this whole thing; knowing that my attitude was what needed to change but not quite being able to figure out how to effect that change.  This rehearsal was just the answer - I felt less marginalized and realized that I needed to give credit to a couple women who deserved my credit.  My repentance of my unkind attitude continues.

• Wandered around Joann's for a minute and discovered a whole wall of different signs that I so loved.  Especially this one.  How I would love to be responsible for bringing a smile to others.  I must work on that.

• Bringing in a package from the porch, The Husband asked who ordered something from Amazon. Neither of us.  Turned out to be a book from an acquaintance who wanted to share his love of healthy eating.  How thoughtful!

• After rehearsal, both The Husband and I needed some time.  So off we went for a bit of a walk. The cloud cover reflected enough light that we could clearly see what we needed (9-10 p.m. isn't our usual walking time), it was warm enough for just a sweater, rather than the usual full-force gale we had just a breeze.  It was perfect!

And the small joys continue today.  My morning walk couldn't have been nicer.  The skies were dropping a bare drizzle of rain which kept most people inside.  That meant the trail was peaceful.

Had a quick visit from our son, the police officer.  While he was here I got a text.  From my sweet neighbor checking to make sure everything was ok here since there was a police car parked out front. How grateful I am for her concern and friendship.

Tonight we're off to a play.  I'm ever grateful we have that luxury.

I'm grateful today for the rain that brings such beauty to our world.  For the ability to walk in the morning and enjoy that beauty.  For kindness.

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