Miscellaneous Thoughts

• I loved Easter this year.  We spent the day watching Conference, having our hearts and testimonies fed.  A quiet day at home being spiritually lifted can be wonderfully rejuvenating.

• This morning found me on the trail bright and early.  Today's route was past three (2 middle and a high) schools.  Spring break meant the sites were empty and my trek was mostly in solitude.  I loved it.

• I deliberately didn't take carrots along for the horses - lately they've been breakfasting on their hay as I passed, so my few carrots haven't been remotely tempting.  Today, though, this guy was waiting for me.  As soon as I greeted him, he trotted over for his treat (which I, alas, didn't have).  The Husband hustled home and back with a few carrot treats.  He was so anxious he was practically climbing the fence to reach us.  I suspect he'd stand and eat carrots all day long. (And it's really difficult for me to catch a picture of something that keeps moving!)

The moon just before the sun rose.
• We were chatting yesterday about eye exams and the doctors we go visit.  We still chuckle over The Husband's latest.  "Cover one eye and read the bottom-most line that you can read."  Without hesitation The Husband said, "Made in China."  Yup, I live with that.  I don't know if he's gotten funnier over the years or less inhibited.  But I love that he strives (and generally succeeds) to make me laugh every single day.

• Finally found out the expected arrival date of our grandchild.  October 4th.  We don't leave for our trip until after that.  I surely hope we get to see him/her before we leave. We received the excited text last week that they'd heard the baby's heartbeat - we are so pleased for them!  (And for us - grands are just grand!)

I'm grateful today for the indications / hope of some rain.  For the ability to text.  For something good to read.  For a reliable curling iron (and for at least a little hair left to curl, my hair has always been fine and thin).  For a modicum of common sense (at least I hope so).  For something fun / wonderful to anticipate.

For my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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