Strange Days

The Husband took not one, but an unheard of two sick days.  I hope by now his headaches have subsided and that a couple days away from computers and stress (at least a much as we could eliminate) have helped.  Lunch at Cafe Rio, dinner at The Habit (I love, love, love gift cards) surely couldn't have hurt.

Although I have to confess my morning walks were w-a-y better with him along.  (I often feel -yes self-imposed - that I am looked on disparagingly by those who are out on the trails in twos or threes, or even more.  Like there's something wrong with me because I'm alone.  I generally prefer being alone on my walks.  Walking alone allows the peace of the morning to seep into my soul, rejuvenating my spirits. The exception is when someone particularly special accompanies me.  Like The Husband, or a child/grandchild.  There's a difference between loved friends and loved family.  At least for me.  And there is no criticism of others implied here, this is my personal perspective.)

Looking west at the mountains.
We decided yesterday to brave the snow and walk anyway.  By the time we returned the sun was up, the snow had stopped and the day was off to a delightful start.

Lilacs under the snow.
This morning I was off later than usual, the sun had risen.  Which enabled me to see the lovely flowers.  I stopped at the first lilac bush I saw and tried to bury my frozen lilacs.  It was only 24 degrees out.  And just in case anyone was wondering, frozen lilacs don't smell.  All the plants seem to be a month earlier than usual, and for this year, a month earlier than they should be.  I fear for our food supply this year.  (Especially considering so much of our produce comes from CA and they are in a severe drought.  Things are looking a mite dismal.)

I'm looking forward to General Conference.  President Monson is aging, and I suspect it won't be too awfully long before he leaves this earth.  How grateful I am to know that Heavenly Father is in charge and things will proceed according to His will.

Perhaps we'll hear from our son this weekend - President Obama visited our valley yesterday.  Our son is a motorcycle police officer, maybe he'll have a tale or two to tell.

And today:  the sun is shining.  Our lawn will be aerated (it's currently covered in fluorescent flags marking the sprinkler heads so as to avoid damage).  I don't have to think of something for dinner, we've got leftovers and Sunday's meal is also covered.  The laundry is almost done and I am making headway on other household tasks.

I'm so grateful for good health.  For plenty to eat.  For enough to do.  And for Easter, the celebration of hope for all mankind.

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