Comfort Zone

Went with The Husband to the doctor today, he's grown weary of the constant noise in his ears, the result of being knocked off his feet when standing next to a huge industrial steam boiler when the relief valve blew - back when he was 19.  After years of being told there's nothing to be done, it was practically a joyful occasion to hear the doctor say there were a few things we could try to help alleviate the incessant vexation.  Things we will try.  It was nice to hear some hope.

Cute comfy foot coverings.
Had a phone conversation with a man today.  I'm so grateful for a man in my life that treats me like I matter. I'm not fond of being verbally compelled to succumb to an unreasonable request (demand?) And my sweet Husband just listened to my grief and agreed that it was wrong.  I need more patience - my church responsibilities often take me out of my comfort zone.

Had a chance to wear my newest shoes - a gift from The Husband.  Their color is a bit out of my comfort zone, but I had such fun wearing them today.

I'm grateful for kind young men at the grocery who go out of their way to find the yogurt I want. And then track me down in the store to make sure I get it.  That kind of kindness / consideration seems more and more rare.  (And I made sure to contact the grocery store to tell them what a great employee they have.)

And I'm grateful for hairspray for windy days like today. Messy hair is always out of my comfort zone.

Today's comfort zone is nowhere to be found.  Perhaps tomorrow.

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