And Another Week Begins

And I actually ended the last week with a smile.

Latest catch-basin decoration.
We had a rare Saturday at home - for several reasons, but not the least of which was the rainrainrain all day long.  On our way from an impromptu grocery run we drove past the catch basin by the high school.  And yep, that's right.  It's a clothes dryer.

Ooh, aah.
Unusually for me, Mother's Day was actually nice.  I've mentioned before how my most frequent emotion on this day is failure/inadequacy.  Not so yesterday.  We had a great Sacrament meeting, complete with talks not about how perfect some mothers are, but inspiring words about women in general; also particularly about the women/mothers from the bible.  Naomi's story has always been a favorite of mine.  After yesterday, even more so.

Was complimented on my choice of music for Sacrament meeting.  I resolutely refused to sing "Love At Home."  She thanked me, said she can't stand that song, but most especially on Mother's Day. And that was nice to hear. (Apparently, I did ok when choosing the songs.)

Beautiful work.
I received verbal love from each of my children.  Always a welcome gesture.  Also flowers, the aforementioned (and very appreciated) food gift card (from the kids who live far away), a new cookbook (to rejuvenate my cooking repertoire) and these beautiful hand-made crochet baskets. Thoughtful and delightful gifts all!  None of which is necessary, I never expect gifts and don't need a single thing.  So I look beyond the physical and seek the love that motivates the gift and my "heart is hugged" as I said yesterday.

The sun was shining early this morning as I left the house.  Our grass is lightly carpeted with the cotton from the cottonwood trees - it looks like only about half has come down and resembles snow as it drifts. I had a fun conversation with a sweet friend that I don't converse with near enough (lunch next week will be a treat!) and another with a dear who expressed her love for us both.  What a wonderful start to our week.

I'm so grateful for a weekend that didn't leave me tired or discouraged but smiling in my head (and even on my face when no one is looking). For kind souls who look past my uncountable faults and still manage to feel affection for me.  I'm planning for a nice week.

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