Ending Saturday With a Feeling of Accomplishment

So, after starting early, finishing late and only requiring 2 trips to Home Depot, we finally managed to get the wood frame around our front door painted.  This postponed-from-last-fall project feels good to check off the list.  I hadn't necessarily planned to do it today, but am glad The Husband was in the mood.

He also hung a couple ceiling fans for our neighbor.  It's a complicated situation; let's just say instead of phoning her electricians to come back, she chose to combine her efforts with The Husband to fix what they broke. One of the fans works great.  The other...not so much.  We had to get back to our paint before it was too-too hot outside so aren't sure what her next approach will be.  But he did his best for her.

This made me laugh - that's how I was yesterday!
He also cleaned up a bunch of roses and quince bushes so the railing is accessible for removal / re-powder-coating.  Hard work, that.  (The area is still overrun with the labrador viola, volunteer strawberries and the loathed morning glory. They'll likely be sprayed into the afterlife next week.)

The bed has clean sheets, the dishwasher is run, the entire floor vacuumed.  And I even managed to unintentionally swab the floor of the shower with the entire side / back of my body (falling in the shower not recommended, I'll have some fresh bruises for sure!).

Gift card to Corner Bakery with a coupon for a free treat finished off the day nicely.  Free treats from Corner Bakery are always nice.  (And I still have $9 left on my gift card for another day.)

Hoya flowers
Last night, walking past the hoya plant I caught a whiff of the flowers.  Had to dig through the leaves to find the blossoms, but yes, the blooms are there.  This plant was a gift from a friend who had rooted it from one of her plants.  I keep wielding the clippers on it, trimming it ruthlessly into a semblance of control.  But it seems to be happy and just keeps growing.  The blooms are really fun, but smell awful.  I will, though, gladly welcome their pretty flowers any time.  The blossom is just barely visible toward the bottom of the cascading limbs.

I'm grateful tonight that my arm seems to work fine (isn't broken) after my plunge to the shower floor.  I'm grateful for a day without schedules that enabled us to accomplish some much needed tasks.  I'm grateful for ibuprofen. And for the expectation of a really good night's rest.

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