I Still Like Thursdays

The Husband is back to work after his birthday / vacation days.  As enjoyable as the time off was, I think he actually is happy to be back to a routine; working at the work that he's been trained to do. Five straight days of our being together was sublime.

Had occasion today to drive past our previous house.  Was compelled to take this picture.  That blue spruce is one of two (the other one didn't survive) we planted back when both trees were about 6 foot tall.  Looking at it now, I doubt there'd be room in that yard for two trees that size.

I love that those trees we planted are doing well.
Those honey locust trees in the back yard were maybe 8 - 10 foot tall when we planted them.  See how they surpass the house in height?  I think they're pretty happy.  We have planted multiples of trees at all our homes - I'm quite pleased with that legacy; we've tried hard to beautify at least our teensy part of the world wherever we've lived.

Went to lunch with a couple friends.  We've been lunching for pretty near 22 years, since we served as a R. S. presidency.  What a delight it has been to continue our friendship all these years.  I'm grateful.

I received a three sentence email from a friend today, thanking me for helping her out with something, oh, roughly 10 years ago.  What a sweet unexpected thing to have happen.  You just never know if/when/how your own actions can affect someone else.  What I did wasn't hard or huge, I just lent a helping hand.

I'm hoping today to notice opportunities to be of help, to get outside myself, think of others and be kind.  I'll be grateful if I can manage to accomplish that.

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