
The lovely boot.
Went for a walk this morning.  Wasn't sure I'd make it the two miles home.  Slid down a curb on a rock.  Resulting diagnosis:  sprained ankle, avulsion fracture.  Treatment:  4 - 6 weeks in the boot. (It's a blessing I already had one, wouldn't have been able to walk into the Insta-Care office without it.)

Two weeks without my morning walks, and then only if I don't overdo and only if the pain isn't too bad.

I'll have to look at my sunrise pictures often (this one from yesterday reminds me how jaw-droppingly beautiful the morning was) since I won't be able to be out there watching them for a while.

The Husband arrived home in time to make sure I had the medical attention I needed. (I shed a couple tears at the uninterested attitude of the phone-answerer at my podiatrist's office.  I could see the dr. on Wednesday, not before.  I was hurting so much I knew I couldn't wait that long to be seen.) How grateful I am The Husband is here again.  I'm certain his absence was the reason I seemed to have more than the usual minor (and really, totally minor) issues all week long.  I just felt out of synch all the time.

I'm grateful this little issue is just that, a little issue that will heal (and heal best if I'm careful and follow dr.'s orders.)  I'm grateful that the x-ray technician on staff was their very best (who could spot the teensy fracture) and the dr. working that shift specializes in sports medicine.  I felt very confident in their care.

I'm grateful for airplanes to bring The Husband home.  For insurance to help with medical costs.  For the ability to rest and let my foot heal without having to worry.  I'm grateful for the sunshine today. And I'm grateful for this amazingly complex and wonderful body that Heavenly Father created for each of us.

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