
I'll never get used to The Husband's traveling.  It leaves me alone.  Yesterday I was completely by myself here in the house for a few hours.  It was, frankly, unnerving.

Mmm, just lovely!
Before he left, The Husband brought in these lovely roses.  The white ones are from bushes I received as a birthday gift years ago.  I love their sweet scent.  I think these will likely be the last ones of the season - it is, after all, almost November.

I received another picture on my phone of the newest grandson yesterday.  I just ache to see them and hold the little guy.  Holding a new infant feels like I'm holding a teensy bit of heaven, if only he could tell me of the place he just left!

We recently saw a movie that has stuck in my mind.  A 70 year old man becomes an intern at a new-ish company that needs someone with a bit of life experience.  It was perfectly cast.  I loved the message that just because you have lots of years on this earth doesn't mean you don't have anything to offer.  (There was also another message about the importance of marriage / family and fidelity.  I like that increasingly rare positive perspective.)

Our primary program was Sunday.  This one seemed more together than some we've seen in the past.  Maybe our primary is a bit smaller, maybe the kids were more practiced or had slept really well the night before.  Maybe it was a combination of myriads of things.  I just know it went smoothly.  I always love hearing/seeing children sing.  One particular family with 3 little ones in primary is always a stand-out to me.  Those kids sing out with their hearts.  And I mean really sing out.  (I imagine at times that level of commitment to volume might get a tad wearing.) I love that they sing of gospel principles including love for the Savior with such dedication and enthusiasm.  Such a foundation can only stand them in good stead as they grow.
Just right for shuffling through.

I headed out to walk this morning under a bright full moon.  (Next week might find me inside on the treadmill.  Daylight Savings Time ends.  I'm by nature an early riser and walking in the total dark isn't all that fun - or safe.)  I love the morning.  And I love the fall.  The carpet of leaves under the trees at the park were just begging to be shuffled through.  And yes, I did shuffle through them.  All by myself, mentally giggling at the fun.

I'm so grateful for grandchildren.  For music in this world that brightens our lives and enriches our experience. For sweaters.  And for something to look forward to.

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