Almost The Weekend

And I'm hoping for a bit of fun over the next day or so.

Formerly lovely now frozen geraniums
Decided to try the elliptical again this morning.  An open window helped, though I still miss being out in the peace of the sunrise.  I'm anxious to see the dr. on Tuesday, hoping there will be a positive outcome from the visit.

Winter ready
Decided spur of the moment to go out and work in the front garden.  Not long ago the geraniums were still lovely.  After a couple nights of below freezing temps, they gave up the ghost - and have bothered me every time I look at them.  So I wrapped my booted foot in a plastic bag and set to cleaning out the garden.  (Fall clean-up = more spring fun!)  The dread of the task was w-a-y worse than the actual execution and the results well worth the small effort.

Sally Forth: Husband Champion - Yay!
I've been following this comic strip - family relationships can be so complicated! But it was the last frame that really got to me.  How wonderful it would be if everyone had that kind of champion backing them up.  I try to be that kind of person: to The Husband, to my children, to friends.  I know I can and do disappoint.  Which makes me sad.  I keep working on being better.  Hopefully forgiveness will be extended to me.

Love the sun on the tree.
The Husband calls to me - quick, hobble in here and look.  The beech just outside our stairwell window was nearly glowing in the morning sun - the dead leaves look almost golden.  (And yes, much prettier in reality than in the photo.)  I was thinking as I tried to get a shot (without the front-door-reflection - though unsuccessful) how much I enjoy having a camera always at the ready.  I delete way many more pictures than I save, but how fun to look back through and remember why/where/when I took each photo.  I'm so grateful for the advances in digital cameras/photography - makes it possible for doofuses like me to find some fun in every day.

Today I'm grateful for anticipation of a pressure-free day tomorrow.  Nothing is planned, we can take it as it comes without deadlines, obligations or stress.  I plan to enjoy it.  I'm grateful for some time outside this morning, in the barely felt drizzle.  It warmed my heart.  And I'm hoping for a few things - which makes me grateful for hope.  I need it.

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