Beautiful Tuesday

I have so missed all the mornings outside since I've been unable to walk.  Stepped out to get the newspaper from the front porch this morning and had to find someone to share the beauty with:  it was perfect walking temperature, breezy, the skies were hung with clouds as far as you could see...we just stood and breathed in the stillness.  And I loved it.

A storm is coming in so it will be grey all day.  But beautiful.

Noon- love that cloud ceiling.
Headed off to my friendly foot/ankle specialist.  The stress fracture seems healed - at least there's no more pain.  I endured a brief injection to relieve the pain of an inflamed bursa. And if I'm lucky this will fix that pain.  If I'm really lucky, I'll be able to get back walking in a week or so.  It's been a sort of miserable 4 months since the fracture/sprain that started all this.  I'm ready for the mental lift I get from being out in the sunrise.

Our church Stake has 8 wards - two of which are nearly unmanageably large.  Sunday the Bishop announced that this coming Sunday there will be a special meeting - 6 of the 8 wards will be undergoing some boundary changes/re-alignments.  I know that change is necessary and often invigorating.  But also challenging.  We've never lived anywhere as long as we've been here (14 years).  Anxiety seems ever-present.  And while we know that Heavenly Father is always in charge (and we are grateful for that) things can still be a bit scary.  Our ward will never be the same again.

The best thing about going to the dr. is the waiting room magazines that I won't pay to subscribe (I'm too much of a scrooge for luxuries like that).  I have always enjoyed Real Simple magazine.  Today's reading in the waiting room resulted in this quote that I so love.

If Nature has made you a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart. And though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that.
— Frances Hodgson Burnett.

And today I'm grateful for good doctors.  For good shoes.  For good sunrises.  And for miraculous bodies.

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