
I rarely make comments in church classes (or any other classes for that matter).  I've spent a lifetime feeling "less-than", I don't have lots of self-confidence.  Whatever I have to say can't possibly be of much value to anyone in the classroom - they're all so much smarter/better educated/more articulate than me.  So I keep my mouth shut.  Generally.

Yesterday in R. S. we were invited to express things of a subjective nature - our personal thoughts on blessings that we see every day that are important to us.  I fairly jumped out of my seat to participate. Yes!  Finally something that means something to me that would be worth sharing.

Apparently not-so-much.  I guess what means something to me doesn't affect others the same way.

This was the firstest time in many months I've commented in class.  It'll be that many months and many, many months more before I speak out in class again.   I'll continue to enjoy my daily blessings in private.


Headed out on the trail this morning, loving that we're on standard (not daylight saving) time and it was a whole hour lighter out.  The wind was blustery, the temperature perfect for working up a bit of steam and the sunrise was absolutely fantabulous!  I love the hope in each new day.

Went with friends to see Goosebumps the other night.  Hadn't a clue what to expect.  Didn't ever read any of the books. I'm not (nor ever have been) a fan of anything scary.  (I'm still quite a'feared of the dark!) I thought the younger set was the target demographic for this one so I figured I could handle it.  Some people were bothered by the ventriloquist's dummy.  Not me.  Those ever-self-healing-ever-growing-in-numbers garden gnomes just really creeped me!
Totally Creepy!

So, The Husband summoned me to the front door- said someone was waiting on the porch for me. He laughed.  As soon as I took the picture I brought that disturbing bobble-head in and hid it where I can't see it.  Nightmares for sure.  (Our friend is quite the tease - leaving that gnome on our porch!)

My piano bench is getting a work out.  I'm playing for the ward choir for the Christmas Sacrament Meeting program, playing for the choir to sing in church, playing for a men's quartet to sing in church and now, likely, for the Ward Christmas Party Program.  Thank heavens for a new pair of piano glasses that let's me see the notes just perfectly.  There's no excuse for mistakes, now!

I'm grateful for a foot well enough to walk this morning.  For a smile that makes my heart happy.  For the chance to cuddle the newest grandson the other evening - that sense of a bit of heaven.

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