
I love socks.  I can't wear shoes without socks - I'd be blistered all over my feet in about 5 minutes. So, I pamper my feet and acquire socks with abandon.

Two days ago I cleaned out my sock drawers.  Yes, I said drawers, plural.  I have a drawer for light socks, one for dark socks, and one for exercise socks (and in those drawers are subsets - socks for pretty much every occasion).  What luxury!

Never expected to see something like this in the newspaper.
So I thought it was an interesting coincidence to see this graph in today's newspaper.  I've been gifted lots of socks.  In fact, at this moment there's a pair waiting for me under the Christmas tree - from a sweet soul who understands my affection for socks.  I can't wait to put them on tomorrow.

I'm grateful for all my socks - for all those different foot / occasion needs.

Today I'm also grateful for kind friends who invited us (along with multiple members of their extended family) to the movie.  We admitted that we hadn't ever been to a movie at 9:30 a.m. before. I was actually glad for the early morning time - popcorn doesn't have the same appeal at that time of day so it was easy to avoid it. Especially since the entire rest of the day we've had treats dropped off at our door - which we've devoured as though we haven't eaten in a week.  I'm grateful for a walk in the cold wind with my favoritest person - we practically had the trail to ourselves, we took it slow (my silly foot-issue), held gloved hands and generally just enjoyed our time together.  I still crave that togetherness even after 45 years.

And most of all, I'm grateful for Christmas.  The gift of the Savior could never be overstated. Heavenly Father loves us.

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