A Long Time

Looked back and noted that I started this blog in 2009 - almost 7 years ago.  It began as some sort of need I had - to find a voice for thoughts.  I thought The Husband might read it.  Maybe my daughters. This last year has found me wondering multiple times:  should I quit posting?  Have I run out of things to say?  Is my humdrum life to boring to read about?

And then I think- oh, I must put this on my blog.  I must still have a couple things to say. Though I doubt we're in danger of me running out of words.

Love the radio!
So, I headed out this morning to walk the trail.  13 degrees.  The Husband often says I love the cold. Actually, no.  I don't love the cold.  I love the absence of the summer heat.  I wilt in the heat. I don't mind bundling up.  The best side effect of the cold is that I pretty much have the trail to myself.  I love the sunrise, the crisp air, hearing the birds sing good morning.  I don't walk near as far or as fast as I used to - that silly foot of mine remains a hindrance.  Still, it's the very best way for me to begin another day.

I received a new iPod Nano for Christmas.  (Yes, I so know that's old-school, they're a disappearing apparatus.  I'm not ready to listen to music on my phone.  And I'm stubborn.)  This one has radio capability.  What fun to listen to the radio this morning on my walk. A thoughtful gift.

Nearing home I noticed something sitting on our front porch.  We have a friend who has an abundance of funny in his personality.  He's still capitalizing on my shudders (after seeing the movie GooseBumps) about those nasty gnomes!  This one even came with a printed history.  Laughter is also the best way to start (end or have in the middle) of a day.  Thanks, I needed that.  This gnome will reside with his relative in a firmly closed "cage".  Not taking any chances of them getting out and wreaking havoc!

I've found myself thinking about personalities lately.  Some of us thrive on competition.  Some on the unexpected.  Some on routine.  Some do better with noise and a bit of hubbub.  Some are better in quiet. That routine thing is where I am most comfortable.  I often envy those who lives follow that "unexpected" path, wish I did better at that.  We made a trip to Costco over the weekend - I could hardly wait to get out of there.  So many people, so much noise:  I was on edge and had to take a few deep breaths.  I'm so glad there's room for all of us in this world.

I've come across several thought provoking statements lately.  I like them.  Like the lessons contained in them. This one was in today's newspaper, part of an editorial column:  "The question of character isn't always what did you do, but what were you willing to tolerate."

And this one I saw online:  "I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn't sorry, and accept an apology I never received."  Don't judge, be tolerant.  I so need to work on that!

And this one, just because I like it:  "Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like."  (Though I believe that kindness leaves its imprint on us!)

I'm grateful for those who think of me - even to the point of leaving me "friendly" gnomes on my porch.  I'm grateful for kids who send pictures of the grandchildren - helps me feel part of their lives, even if I can't see them as often as I'd like.  I'm grateful for neighbors who give us reasons to walk over and visit for a minute.  I'm grateful for lotion for cold-weather-dry knees.  And I'm grateful I haven't yet run out of words.  I'm hoping to learn to use them for more positive things.

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