Vast Improvements!

Yesterday afternoon.
So, last week was a struggle for me:  fighting that nasty sinus infection, having to exercise inside because of the weather (whine, whine, whine) and the ugly valley air inversion.  We couldn't see even a block away the fog/smog was so dense.  You could taste it.  Ugh.

We made plans to drive up the canyon toward Park City to find some clear fresh air and warm sunshine.

Our beautimous trail.
We woke Monday morning to...a breeze!  I never thought I'd be so grateful for wind.  But it stirred the air and moved a lot of the muck out.  It was raining/snowing up the canyon so we decided to stay home.  By afternoon it was stunning outside!  So stunning we had to take a walk.  I couldn't stop marveling at the view across the valley, the feel of the sun on my face and the deep cleansing breaths. It was sheer heaven!

I noticed on Sunday at church most of the people I talked to had some kind of headcold or sinus thing going on.  I try to not complain about the weather, but it really felt like this particular inversion was bad and lasted longer than usual.

I could actually see Little Cottonwood Canyon this a.m.
This morning found me reveling in the sunrise as I walked along.  A stark example of opposition and how it provides the recognition of the good.

Sunday I taught my first Gospel Essentials class.  It was tough.  I wasn't in top physical form, the class was small and I was totally daunted by the responsibility to make the class time worthwhile for the attendees.  I've got another chance on Sunday, am working hard on improving those discussion-leader skills. Anxiety is a constant companion.

A neighbor recommended this little natural formula for my sinus issue.  We ran straight over to the health food store to acquire some.  And what do you know? I think it really helps.  I'm improved. Knocking on wood as I say that perhaps the worst is over and I've avoided the antibiotics on this one.

So: the air is improved.  Which improves my mental attitude.  The weather has (albeit temporarily) improved. My sinuses seem improved.  I've done a bit of a premature walk-about the front yard and yes! there are bulbs coming up! (And yes, I know what goes up must come down but in the meantime I'm going to completely and thoroughly enjoy the good that has come our way.)

I'm grateful today for easier breathing, for rays of sunshine.  For a husband who supports (and often joins me) in my adventures -cooking adventures (trying a new roast recipe today) reading adventures, sewing adventures, exploring adventures.  I'm grateful for family members who keep in touch with us - who seem to want to have a good relationship, and do their part to make it happen, who recognize that relationships are not a one-way street. And I'm also grateful for those who can fix things - we've got the furnace repair guy coming tomorrow.  I definitely have much to be grateful for.

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