
And it seems like our weekends are never quite long enough. Even if they were longer, they'd still probably be too short.

Beautiful sunrise between rain showers.
We opted out of movies again this weekend.  We must be getting old, it feels like we're becoming a bit more discriminate about what movies we choose to spend $ on.  And lately there have been fewer and fewer that seem worth the money.

Instead we chose to go to Costco.  It's been some months since I've been there.  And my list was proof.  And our much diminished bank account is further proof.  :^) Our splurge was a package of filet mignons for dinner both Saturday and Sunday.  And we savored every single bite.

Sunday was a stretch for me.  A piano solo in church.  In front of about twice as many people as I expected due to a young sister missionary's return address to the congregation.  I made quite a few mistakes but tried to not hesitate or correct them - I always think if I pretend I didn't make any mistakes then people will wonder if they really heard them.  Perhaps that will be the case.  Anyway - less than my best presentation in spite of the hours, hours and hours of practice.  (And the ability to play the song pretty much flawlessly in the privacy of our living room with an audience of 1: me.)

Then was the Sunday School lesson I'm responsible for preparing and directing the discussion.  It was delightful to have a couple loved ones in there who helped me out by their contributing comments.

Hey, you forgot your fork!
As soon as class was over I dashed down to the R. S. room to play the piano for R. S. By the time we left church I was mentally finished. The quiet afternoon (including a nap) was just the right remedy.

This morning found me once again on the trail - being grateful I donned my rain slicker before leaving the house.  Wasn't much difference being out on the trail and home in the shower.  This picture of a fork continues my documentation of the strange things I see that people leave behind.

I've mentioned that I love socks.  Partly because I pretty much always wear them.  Can't put on a pair of shoes (or even sandals) without them or I'll have blisters quicker than a snap. Have been on the receiving end of a bit of ribbing about wearing sandals with socks.  That's for old old old people, they say.  I have noticed numerous times lately - younger people, like teens and early twenties people - wearing the same sandals I wear around the house.  Only they're out in public.  And yes - they're wearing socks with them.  Who knew I'd be a trend setter?!?

I'm so grateful today for the abundance of this life - the abundance the Gospel brings.  The abundance of beauty around us.  The abundance of kind words and hugs and smiles that so lift my heart.  I pray for more of this kind of abundance. I love it.  And am grateful.

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