Strange Day

Often the days just follow one another in their own sort of routine then along comes a day that truly upsets the rhythm and it just feels odd.  Today was one of those days for me.

I didn't sleep well so when I normally would have gotten out of bed...I didn't.  I felt slightly rebellious.  So, no walk for me today.  I puttered around, taking my time, didn't even get dressed until 10:30 a.m.  Then off I went to lunch.

Beautiful sky to the east - the mountains have fresh snow.
My visiting teacher wanted to go to lunch, just the two of us.  I was a teensy apprehensive, this person isn't someone I've felt like I really clicked with.  To my delight it was an enjoyable couple hours.  We talked, and laughed and repeated the process.  Yes, nice.

Off to Joann's I went looking for some better needles for a handsewing project I'm working on.  Finally tucked away in the quilting section I found what I thought might work.  Looking over the newspaper flier coupons I discovered not a single one of them would work.  Nope. Not paying full price so I left without them.

On my way home from the grocery I took this picture of the mountains and canyon off to the east. The sky has been particularly beautiful today. And the Hawthorne tree we planted the week my Mom died is beginning to bloom - it's one of my very favorite trees and I anxiously wait each spring to see it's prettiness.

Hawthorne blooms
A friend (on his way up the hill to Subway) saw me bringing up the trash can and stopped for a visit; which visit was cut short by the Why'rd guy coming to look over our situation so as to give us a bid on some wiring for security cameras.  We dislike having the car intruded on and things stolen from it.

The Husband is off to do some visits for church so I'm here completely alone.  It's a weird feeling.  I'll be anxious for our daughter and grandson to come home.  She called just as we were eating dinner.  She usually texts so I answered the phone with my heart truly pounding.  She and the grandson are ok.  The Kia?  Not so much.  Someone backed in to her.  The car has a big ow-ie I haven't yet seen.  Oddly enough, I had a dream the other night that the Kia was kaput and we had to replace it.  Hopefully that dream won't be coming true quite yet.

I'm grateful for strange days that remind that I like a routine.  I'm grateful for lunches out with people who are kind.  I'm grateful for car accidents that result in unharmed loved ones.

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