So, It's Been A Few Days

Since I received my new phone.  What a huge luxury!  And how fun/daunting/frustrating.  Things like this seem so easy for some people.  Learning new things is often delightful for me.  Learning new "tech" things:  not so much.  I've been equally filled with enjoyment and distress.  The Husband has endless patience.

Spent the majority of yesterday morning's session of Stake Conference walking the parking lot providing "security".  Apparently parking lot issues in the area have made this a requisite.  I can't say it was difficult meandering hand-in-hand through the 60 degree sunshine chatting and absorbing the beauty of the day.  We were glad, though, to be back in time to hear the Stake President close the conference.  And then to receive a synopsis of the rest of the meeting from our daughter was just great.

Ducks in the pond....
I particularly noticed the opening prayer.  The sister said some really nice things.  One thing she asked for was for us to love each other and be kind.  When I said amen, I immediately had the thought that I agreed to what she said.  Thus, I pretty much committed (with the help of Heavenly Father) to love others.  Some others are easy to love.  With heavenly guidance I can learn to love the not-so-easy-for-me to love.  It was one of those teensy little "ah ha" moments.  I agreed to it, I can do it.

The Husband is in the office this week, only been away from the home for 5 hours.  I've already been on the phone with him a couple times.  He's a trouble-shooter/assistant extraordinaire.

And I'm kinda-sorta limping again.  Pulled a chunk of skin off the bottom of my foot.  Right where I land when walking.  My feet:  problematic from my very beginning. I'm so grateful for all the places they've taken me, for their support and for the miles I've walked on them.  I hope they don't wear out!

I'm grateful today for those who are patient with me.  For prayers that cause me to think and grow.  For places to eat.  For beautiful sunrises and for hope.

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