
Somewhere I came across a book I thought I should read:  Christ In Every Hour by Anthony Sweat.  I waited a while for it to come in at the library, I generally don't buy a lot of books.  I'm not quite halfway through this book and I'm loving it.  I want multiple multiple copies to give away to anyone who might gain some insight through the principles Brother Sweat so logically, articulately and movingly presents.  (And no matter how many pictures I took, I simply couldn't manage one without the reflection of my hands / phone camera in the plastic cover.  And I took quite a few.)

I just finished the chapter titled: "The Restoring Power of Christ" - it is a powerful chapter. These two quotes particularly struck me.

"The Atonement will not only help us overcome our transgressions and mistakes, but in His time, it will resolve all inequities of life--those things that are unfair which are the consequences of circumstance or other's acts and not our own decisions." --Richard G. Scott.

"Restoring what you cannot restore, healing the wound you cannot heal, fixing that which you broke and you cannot fix is the very purpose of the atonement of Christ."  --Boyd K.Packer    Followed by these words of Brother Sweat:  "That is what Jesus does: He brings balance.  That is what Jesus promises:  full recompense.  That is who Jesus is:  The Restorer".

A much valued lesson in hope for me this day.

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