Post Weekend

We avoided Draper Days this year.  It's gotten more about money than about celebrating Draper.  It's a bit over-the-top with all the vendors.  Not to mention that it's hot out in July.  And there's lots of people there.  And did I miss going?  Not really.  Must be my age.

We did meet our son for lunch on Friday at Corner Bakery.  And yes, I am a cookie person.  Whose cookie supply is currently in deficit.  I'll have to rectify that.

I also pulled a carrot to gauge the progress.  Still small.  But pretty tasty for the one bite apiece The Husband and I enjoyed from this little guy.  We're still harvesting some peas.  The Husband is determined to plant more next year.

This flower is on our hoya plant.  A friend started a little one from her plant to give me for my birthday one year.  It has the most interesting flowers.  Right now there are 5 clusters of blooms. There's some sort of mental yippee that goes on when plants thrive (and even survive) our ministrations.  I love the reward of flowers.

And yesterday was struck by the difference between men and women.  We had a question in Sunday School class.  The women were content to discuss and chat with perhaps a mental note to follow up at some later point.  3 of the men in class pulled out their smartphones and proceeded to find the answer. 3 different sources, but all the same eventual bottom line answer.  The women discuss, listen and want to help when we figure out how.  The men just solve the problem as quick as possible, they always want to fix things.  Pretty true all around.

This morning we ran a quick errand and stopped on impulse at the tire store.  The Charger's tires are nearly smooth all the way across.  We can afford them, it'll be fine.  But the fun part was seeing our friend at the very place we stopped. It was delightful to chat with him for a minute.

And tomorrow?  44 years ago The Husband and I were sealed together in the Logan Temple.  For always and forever.  How grateful I am.  And how lucky / blessed I feel that our paths led to each other, to marriage and to sealing.  Words cannot express.

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