Thursday That Isn't My Favorite

Loved the sunrise.
Started out the day with a bike ride - my second in a row.  Even though I was fighting the wind part of the way, it was still a good way to begin a strange day.  I almost felt like the day was downhill from there, but really the most downhill was the ride home.  (I love that my ride takes me uphill on the way out and downhill on the way home.  I prefer to get the hard stuff over with right at the beginning...of pretty much everything!)

The Kindle finally arrived, after being delayed a day.  And it's all set up, ready to go.  The Tivo arrived, and it's all set up and being used.  I've even managed to figure out how to record some of our shows - we'll see if I figured it out right - summer isn't exactly the best time to try that particular facet out, there's so little on in the summer that we watch.  The Moxi, (our dvr) that we so enjoyed, and had used for double the expected time is headed for the electronic recycling.  It was a good investment.

And the thing I learned today?  If you're going to cry in public, make sure you cry around a couple of kind, sympathetic ladies who dispense hugs as readily as you're dispensing tears.  Kindness often seems in short supply, though I was amply fed with it this morning.

The posterior vitreous separation seems to have stabilized a bit, my eye doesn't (so far) appear to be any worse.  The hope is that the floaters will settle to the bottom and not affect my vision as much as they do.  The doctor said he was totally surprised that I'm able to see as well as I do with the cataract that annoys me so.  Though it's nowhere near time to have it removed.  I'm eating lots of carrots! :)

I'm grateful for a partner/friend/loved-one who weathers my tears with equanimity.  I'm grateful for this outlet that somehow, sometimes lets a little stress out my tear ducts. And allows me to go forward with hope though with a fair amount of embarrassment.  I'm grateful for sweet souls who don't mind that sometimes I have to accompany The Husband when he home teaches them, and are welcoming.  And I'm grateful for pizza tonight, I'm too worn out to cook!

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