A Wonderful Few Days

It all started with the Relief Society Christmas social Thursday evening.  I rarely attend these things, being the anti-social anti-social-skilled person that I am.  Surprisingly I enjoyed it.  The walk home in the crisp air was further balm to my soul.

Saturday morning was the Ward Christmas party - another event I try to avoid.  Really, I'm lacking in the social graces that help lubricate personal interaction.  But, it was lovely.  The planners(and those who executed those plans) did a wonderful job without going overboard as is often the tendency.  The decorations were simple, the menu just right and the people kind.  Really, it was lovely.

Sunday's Fast and Testimony meeting was one of the best we've had in this year-old ward. My heart was touched.  I was the recipient of an unusually heart-warming prayer and hug from a class member in Sunday School and Relief Society was truly touching as a loved sister related her journey through a trial that was manageable because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Fabulous Seats!
Right after Sacrament meeting, The Husband was given 6 tickets to the Christmas Devotional down at the Conference Center.  Wow - what a treasure. We took our daughter and grandson and the other two tickets went to a friend and her daughter.  We all sat together down on Row F - six rows from the podium.  It was simply awesome.  Truly.  Awesome.  The choir sang like angels. (We watch the broadcast every Sunday and I often remark that I wish they'd sing some softer, gentler songs - they seem to do much more of the large, big finish music.  Last night, the songs were all of the softer gentler delivery - again, warmth to my soul.) The talks were inspiring and touching.

Sunday was one of those rare days that fill your spirit.  The ones that seem to come along just when you really need them.  The ones that help you stand against the darker more challenging ones.  I so needed these last fews days.

And along the way we survived a trip to Costco in spite of the massive crowds, we have several more boxes of stuff to donate to Deseret Industries, bought a birthday gift, shared conversation with our favorite people from the ward we no longer belong to and generally tried to de-stress.  Frankly, I can't remember when a few days have left me so uplifted.

The downside is that I know at some point the difficulties/moods/challenges will creep in.  Hopefully I'll be armed with the strength to be steadfast against them.

I'm so grateful for the tender mercies that help us know our Heavenly Father is truly watching out for us - for His Hand that is evident in our lives.  I'm grateful for kindness, I need it so much from others, and am so grateful when it is so generously given.  I'm grateful for texts from loved ones.

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