
So it's the last half of January, the month most people despise.  And while I don't actually despise the month, it often isn't my favorite.  Mostly because of the murky air-inversion our bowl of a valley succumbs to - and it's the worst in January.  Minimal sunshine is more than a luxury, it is a necessity.

I love having a project to start off the year. And I've one I'm anxious to dive into.  But I made myself promise to finish a previous project before starting a new one.  That said, I've done some cleaning up and changing the arrangement of my desk and computer.  It'll take some getting used to, but for now it feels fresh.  And I like that.

Freshly potted aloe.
The good news?  I found the house key.  It was in an already searched jacket pocket. Now if I can only find the box for the nativity.  But maybe it's a good thing I can still see the baby in the manger when I walk past the entry. Reminds me to be more like Him.

And since I found the potting soil, I took a few minutes to re-pot the aloe.  I know those two plants weren't that large when we brought them home.  And they're pretty top heavy.  But I like living things in the house, particularly blooming things.  My discovery that aloe plants bloom (and why wouldn't they?) instilled a sense of anxiousness to see our two aloe flower.  What fun that would be.

Which brings me to my second thought.  (I never expected my thoughts here to be orderly.) Since I was inside walking the treadmill this morning, I got caught up on some news articles (love-love-love having an iPad!).  Was interested to see the common thread of hope amongst a few of them.  These two particularly caught my attention.

Elder Hollands Wisdom

Natalie Gochnour

I don't necessarily agree with every thing Ms. Gochnour states, but there is definitely food for thought there.  I love the concept of hope.  This last year has been unusually unsettling.  Even now, with all that has transpired,  there seems to be more in the news of discord, incivility, strife. That always provokes a small sense of fear in me.  I worry, you know.  And I just read an article (can't remember where) that stated optimism is a misplaced emotion.  And it made me just a trifle sad.  Optimism is important - not a panacea for all ills, but an essential ingredient of hope.  And we need hope. Especially when things are challenging.

I'm grateful for those who are optimistic (I sometimes have to work at that) and for hope.  I'm grateful for things that grow even in the dead of winter (still waiting for signs of blossoms on the paperwhites).  I'm grateful for a new recipe to try tonight and for a bit of chocolate from Christmas just waiting for my mouth.

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