Sabbath Day

• I like when I have a few minutes for thought and introspection.  Especially on Sunday.  So far, it's been a pretty decent day.  We're close enough to the church that we can walk if the weather cooperates. Which it did today.  The Husband had extra meetings today - causing us to decline a rare invitation to dinner.  He's off even now, and is a good sport about the meetings even though I do understand how meetings bother him.  One of the bestest parts of the day?  After church we ran into our friend - her baby is now about a month old. (He's roughly 4 pounds, has a form of dwarfism.) And is just the sweetest little guy.  I got to hold him for a few minutes.  He's such a warm cuddly little bundle - he nestled right down under my chin and my heart just sang. There's nothing in the world quite like holding a baby.

Yes, that's a pheasant by the moon.
• So the other morning on my walk, I happened to look above me in the tree.  Not five feet above my head was a pheasant!  Those are fairly uncommon around here, at least these days.  I know they used to roam the area before all the people moved in. It was pretty, and very still.  I think it was hoping I wouldn't notice it.

Early morning daffodils
I also tried to get a picture of the daffodils over by the park.  Clearly I'm out walking before the sun wakes, it's hard to get good shots in the near-dark.

• Yesterday afternoon we spent the majority of the day here at home.  The Husband fertilized the yard and we worked at cleaning up the winter debris.  It looks better now.  I was surprised to see the bleeding hearts down in the stairwell have flower buds on them.  Pretty soon we'll also have daffodils. I love the springtime.

But after bending and kneeling and bending and kneeling some more, I spent the night in restless movements, trying to easy my poor aching back.  Mentioned to The Husband I've either got to work in the yard every day to get my back used to all that bending and lifting.  Or I've got to never do yard work again.  I'm opting for the latter, but doubt I'll have much success.  :^)

Cat prints up the side of the fence?
• We were given some tickets to Rob Gardner's "Lamb Of God" performance last night.  Wow, what a treat.  The composer has taken the last couple weeks of the Savior's life and set it to music - the entire "play" is sung.  (Does that make it an opera?) The voices were stellar, the music engaging and the entire auditorium was near silent.  I don't even remember hearing anyone cough - everyone was immersed in the experience and it was lovely.  There was even a second "cast" that spent the entire performance sharing the music through American Sign Language.  How beautiful their hands and facial expressions were!  We even walked over to the school auditorium from Trax - thus having a short walk back in the warm evening.  Hard to describe how wonderful it felt and how much we needed that little recess from daily life.

• Had a couple chats today with different people that were uplifting to me.  How grateful I am for the kindness of people even though they don't really know me very well.  And I kind of gently put my foot down, told the sister it didn't really matter who was on the schedule to play the organ next month, it wasn't going to be me.  The Bishop mentioned in passing that they're making some changes to the music, hopefully next week.  I told him patience hasn't typically been my strong suit, but I'll work on it.

Buds on those bleeding hearts.
•And next Sunday is Fast Sunday again.  We'll be fasting for (among other important items) our young friend who is still struggling with some health issues.  That whole family has really been tested. We'll add our prayers to theirs in supplication for Heavenly Father's miracles to help them out.

A scripture was mentioned in R. S.  She didn't know the exact reference but I had to look it up, I was so taken with the words.  From 1 Peter 4:8.  "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins."  (The JST changes cover to preventeth.  I love that clarification.)  That phrase "fervent charity" just struck me.  We consider charity to be something gracious and benevolent.  But fervent?  Fervently sharing the pure love of Christ to those around us?  An amazing concept.

I'm so grateful for things I learn in church.  For the desire it creates in me to be a better person, a better example, a better disciple of Christ.

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