Something New

I think I've mentioned a time or two (or three or four) how much I dislike spending money.  And also have mentioned that I expected the imminent demise of our washing machine and dryer.  Yes, the day finally arrived.  It was time.

Out with the old after 16 years.
Armed with some research (not exhaustive by any means, but enough to exhaust me) I went on Tuesday to the closest place (the big R. C. Willey) and did some preliminary comparisons.  After reading tons of reviews I had decided on Speed Queen, the only real question was top or front loading washer.  Had decided on top.  Had an interesting chat with the sales guy - once he found out I wasn't interested in the very latest top-end washing machine he was pleasant enough but not really engaged.

Brand New!
Decided to go to the local appliance store and check out the front loaders before committing. Got to the store, talked to the owner (nice guy, I think he was surprised I came mostly prepared). And on the spot purchased the top loader.  Not the cheapest, not the most expensive, the solid middle-of-the-road machine.  And who knew you could get next day delivery?

I'm not interested in a lot of what today's younger generation considers essential.  I don't want steam or sanitize in either machine.  I want clean clothes. And I don't want to spend a fortune.

So, my first load is in the machine at this very moment. So far, so good.  A plus?  This particular brand lets me swap door opening on the dryer.  Apparently my configuration of washing machine on the right and dryer on the left is also unusual.  (Another indication that I'm an independent thinker? Maybe, though, that was just the way the architect designed the laundry room, washer next to the sink.)

Stunning view of the sun on the mtns across the valley.
Anyway, yesterday The Husband sent me off with instructions to feel fully empowered to make the decision, to do what I think best.  And really?  It's kind of exciting to have something new like this. I've never bought such big-ticket items by myself. And it feels mighty fine to have the floor under the machines all cleaned up.  Considering that the floor is covered by the machines, I'd expect it to be spotless under there.  Shows what I know.  Spotless it wasn't.  But is now, at least for a while.

The weather is beautiful out- my walk this morning was perfect, I've had emails from friends, online chat with daughter, delivery of new appliances, the crockpot is working on dinner and for this very moment I'm content.  I love that feeling - content.  I often say that I believe Heavenly Father wants that for us, and I really do believe he wants us to strive for our best in behavior, but contentment in possessions etc.

I'm so grateful for a husband who trusts me with decisions (he probably really doesn't care, don't think he's done a load of laundry by himself in over a decade), for the funds to purchase something that makes our life more comfortable.  I'm grateful for plenty of clothes to wash and for the luxury of doing them at home.  I'm grateful for texted pictures of grandchilluns and for those who reach out in kindness to me and my loved ones.

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