Another Fresh Week

And here I am, grateful to know what day it is because from the weather, you'd never know that it's supposed to be almost spring.  Yesterday was beautiful and lovely, though I thought the entire neighborhood was going to be picked up in the wind and carried off to Kansas.  And our little corner of the valley was spared any damage - up north there's still people without power.
Beautiful Morning!

When we went to bed last night it was blizzarding out - snow hurled sideways through the air so dense it was impossible to see through it. How wonderful to have a snug warm home to shelter in.

So, the African violets have been on my mind.  Every time I go into the powder room where they reside I look at them and think they need help.  They're apparently quite happy - so happy they've become miniature bushes and are squeezing themselves out of shelf room.  Last year (or was it the year before) I repotted them, meticulously following the online directions I'd found.  This year I wasn't interested in taking that kind of time, I'm less patient as I age - at least in some areas of life.

Beautiful / different direction
I picked up the two smaller ones and just started futzing with them.  One of them, I just whacked at all the stems above the new bottom growth (knocking off a bunch of the new growth in the process - more than I meant to) and called it an experiment to see what'll happen. The other one I pulled out of the pot, cut off all that long root and stuck the whole thing (minus some of the stems/leaves) back into the pot for experiment #2. Only time will tell, but I've had those $3.49 african violets for years and years and was willing to give it a try.  Occasionally I get tired of all the attention plants require.

We'll see how the african violets do.
The other plant picture?  Parsley.  I've been wanting to try growing some parsley.  I like to buy it at the store to use for various reasons.  Hate spending $.89 at the grocery for a bunch that I might use 1/10 of if I'm lucky.  The rest just gets tossed. Came across these at Home Depot.  Now, I like Home Depot for a lot of things, but their indoor plants? I've found they're generally a gnat nest.  But I succumbed and brought this one home, plopped it in the pot we bought and called it good.  And yes, it has gnats.  I hate gnats.

So it was a weekend of plant pursuit.  I'm anxious to see how they all grow (or if I've killed them).
Please grow, Parsley!

We did see a movie, though it was a disappointment.  I was sad we went, but grateful it only cost us $7.75 instead of $13.50. (I had a coupon for a matinee for $1. Yay for me.) Made us want to go see another one just to erase the bad aura.  Milkshake from The Habit (my favorite milkshakes ever) and home popped & buttered popcorn did their best to uplift us.  Good food- what a treat.

And I had a chat with the Bishop.  Came away knowing I look like an idiot/selfish/brat but reassured.  I won't have to be one of just two on the organ.  Changes are coming but The Bishop said I'd still be one of a foursome in rotation.  What a relief.  I can do that, hard as it is.

And I'm grateful.  For people who are patient with me. For loved ones who forgive me when I make things worse in my effort to help.  I'm grateful for neverending affection/care/concern from my bestest friend ever.  For good news from our friends, their daughter is finally well enough from her surgery to come home. And for chocolate milkshakes (I refuse to think of them as a sin because they're really not all that great for me, but prefer to think of them as a luxury. Yes, I'm grateful for them.)

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