
So, today is our anniversary.  The anniversary of the day we were sealed in the Temple.  Definitely a day for celebration.  We went to a session there this morning and this evening will treat ourselves to dinner at a luxury restaurant we've only been to once before.  Spending the day with my favoritest person in the world is truly the best.

Received a text this morning that a sister in our ward passed away last night.  She has suffered so very much over the last year. I'm sure there is a sense of relief among her family members that she is finally released from all that pain and anguish.  That means another funeral for me. Thankfully this time there'll be help:  I've another person on the committee, the R. S. president will be available to help this time and I won't feel like I'm shouldering the whole thing by myself.  The Husband and Daughter were such a help last time, people are so generous with their good will.  Hopefully the service will be spread around a bit more.  And that last funeral was only exactly a month previous to this one.  Not liking this trend.

And I'm still thinking about a neighbor/friend of ours.  The husband home teaches her, she lives over next to the church - she's got to be in her 80's.  We were leaving the neighborhood last week for an errand and there she was out walking between her house and the church.  As we got closer we realized that she was walking along on the top of the curbing, carefully placing one foot in front of the other so as to stay on the curb.  Just like kids do.  How fun to see that she still has a bit of her inner young'un.  I want to be like that.

So today:  I'm grateful beyond the ability of words to express for The Husband, and to know that we are together forever and always.

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