Really beautiful sunrise! |
So, we had a lovely anniversary. We ended up scrapping our first plans and headed downtown to eat at The Roof - we had a table next to the window overlooking Temple Square and had such a nice time. The traffic getting there was horrendous, but we spent a leisurely hour or so after meandering through City Creek mall letting dinner settle. I so love being with my best friend.
Clematis |
I had sort of a small cry/meltdown on the phone with our neighbor/bishopric member when he called to see if I'd play the organ for the funeral. I'm still emotionally wrought/physically tired from the last funeral. (Yeah, I need to get over that quicker.) The request was just enough to bring forth the tears. I think he must have then had a bit of a chat with the R. S. president. She seemed determined to make sure I didn't shoulder the whole burden of this funeral. We ended up with plenty of help. The family paid for all the food (had it catered by the sister's favorite mexican restaurant) so the burden was greatly reduced anyway. The final result was a much more enjoyable day for me than previously. I still was physically exhausted by the end of the day. But mentally better prepared for the Sabbath. The Husband, our daughter and grandson worked hard. I know the angels were watching. (Note to self: never serve salsa at a function again, especially with messy attendees. That stuff is almost impossible to get out of the tablecloths! And I only had to wash 11 this time - though the salsa has necessitated multiple washings to remove the stains.)

Today is celebrated in Utah for the day the pioneers arrived to settle the valley. A wonderful thing to celebrate. But I'm perfectly content to do it in the peace and quiet of our air-conditioned home. Our son participated with the other motorcycle officers in the parade - we caught a couple glimpses of him on tv. It looked like the festivities were well attended. I hope there really is room in this world for those of us who don't think that every minute of life has to be a party, who need a bit of solitude to "re-charge", who aren't condemned because they aren't "into" all the competitive sports that others enjoy. Surely (yes?) - there is room for us, too?!? And a
need for us as well?
And the pictures? I took the one of the sunrise last week on one of my walks - the picture doesn't translate as well as the actual-in-person viewing. I just love those pinwheel things on the clematis - not sure if they're the beginning or the end of the blooms, but think they're just cute. And the vase is a gift from the R. S. president - leftover from the funeral. Yes, it's an indoor picture off my phone in less than optimal lighting, but the flowers really do brighten our home.
We also took in a movie (Dinkirk) that was a bit of a disappointment (and so emotionally hard for me to see, war movies hit me hard), had some micro-screen covers put over some of the gutters on our house (the sections that are quite difficult for anyone to get to to clean the gutters - and we're anxious to know if they're really going to help), received the bid from the Ring-To-Green people for treating the lawn fungus (outrageous price, aren't sure what we'll do), rid our overhangs of some wasp nests and just generally tried to keep up with life. (I'm feeling kind of done with funerals for a while.)
I'm grateful for plenty of help at the funeral. For being sealed to my favoritest person in the world for 45 years. For the fact that July (my second least favorite month) is nearly over. Fall can't come soon enough for me. For the fact that I didn't make quite so many mistakes on the organ yesterday at church (another reason to eagerly anticipate a new month: my turn at the organ will be over for a couple months!). I'm grateful for a wonderful washing machine and dryer. And I'm grateful for a plentiful supply of stain remover. And most of all today - for someone who doesn't mind rubbing my feet on occasion. His foot rubs are the best and I love his touch!
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