It really is blue. It'll be great! |
I decided I needed a new "funeral" apron - one with a pocket for my phone that I can wear with skirts. Last week I ran over to Joann's for some fabric that I pre-washed and dried. And today assembled this nifty little apron. Feminine and cute it isn't. But practical? That's more my style. It'll be great for when I run in to help in the kitchen on Thursday.
Thursday's funeral is for a long-time friend - we knew them in our previous neighborhood, so that makes it about 25 or so years. He was 91 and had been failing for a bit. I doubt I'll attend the funeral, but I'll be able to see his wife, a good friend afterward at the meal. It'll be good to connect a bit with her, haven't really interacted with her for the last year and a half (since the formation of our new ward).
And last week at Joann's? I was waiting to check out and noticed a woman down at the register completing her purchases. Decided to be bold (at least for me), left my place in line and walked up to her and tapped her on the arm. "Kathy?" She took one look at me, called out a name (the wrong one, but that's ok) and threw her arms around me for a big hug. I worked with her at House of Fabrics (no longer in business) back between 1990 and 1994 when we first came back to Salt Lake Valley. What fun it was to see her - she hasn't changed a bit and I'd have recognized her voice anywhere!
It rained over night. Lovely refreshing rain. The difficulty for me was that although it was a fairly decent temperature (68 when I got out of bed) the humidity was 78% and nary a breeze to be felt. The air was dead calm - a rare occurrence considering this is Draper. After a couple hours of it, I had to plead with The Husband to close the doors/windows and turn on the air conditioning. Humidity and I are about as good friends as the organ at church and I are friends. Which means not at all. It only took about 5 minutes and I was feeling much better. I'd never survive for long in the south.
I've been invited to accompany a couple sisters when they sing in Sacrament meeting this coming Sunday. Hopefully I'll get the music tomorrow and be able to get up to speed in short order. I like be invited to do stuff like that - as long as the attention is on someone else I can do it!
I'm grateful today for the rain overnight. For a project to work on (and complete - YAY for me!). For a sewing machine that works just fine, nevermind that it's 28 years old. I'm grateful for goals that help keep me on track, even though I often fall short and have to start all over again. And today I'm grateful for the hope the knowledge of our Heavenly Father's plan for us gives me.
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