Tuesday's Thinking

I headed out this morning for a walk.  It's been difficult to force myself back out on the trail since I've been sick.  I have no energy, and it only takes a few days to get out of the habit of getting out every morning.  Even though last week I tried to walk every day, they were shortened walks and I took my time.  Trying to ramp back up to my previous pace/distance takes some effort.

Yesterday's sunrise/moonset
So, I looked at the cloudy sky, decided it wouldn't dare rain on me and left.  Wasn't away from home 5 minutes and came face to face with a deer running down the trail toward me. Loved seeing him. Shortly after that I was getting drizzled on.  It was an on and off kind of morning rain.  Sure, I can handle this, even told that to The Husband when he texted to see if I needed rescuing.

Once my shoes and socks were soaked through I knew it would only be a few minutes before I'd have blisters on my feet.  So, my Knight-In-Shining-Armor (more accurate would be my-favorite-man-carrying-umbrella) escorted me to his chariot (The Charger) and drove me the last few blocks home. The reason my hat is pictured here?  I thought it ironic that that was the hat I was wearing.  Nope, no sunshine on my walk today.

I did manage to find a minute between drops to take note of this one lone poppy amongst the weeds. It was lovely!

And I read this article this morning.  Suffer  Found it thought provoking.  But the part I wanted to share was this line that I know I've heard before, but it pierced my heart.  "There are scars that go unnoticed, but you must see them. You must tread with caution on the hallowed ground of another’s suffering." I want to be so aware and considerate of others.

Maybe that's the reason I've been put back for another go-round as Compassionate Service Leader, maybe I'm that deficient in compassion.  That's one area I don't want to be deficient in.

I'm grateful today for a husband who never hesitates to rescue me, to take care of me, to do his utmost to make me feel cherished.  How do I ever deserve that?  I'm grateful for good washing machine and dryer.  And for those who are kind regardless of the actions of others.

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