
Was prettier in person
I made a mistake.  I thought I could run up to the front porch and head through the front door. HAH! The only other time I tried to run up the front steps I did the same thing:  caught my toe on the top step and fell! Last time I did a true face plant, bunged up my face and broke my glasses.  I even made such a horrendous noise The Husband heard it from inside the house and came running.

Yesterday I did a little less damage.  But I'm over a decade older.  I hurt in places I didn't remember could hurt. You'd think I would have a whole bunch of bruises so as to get some sympathy.  But no, nothing really visible. Only a scraped knee that has a bandage on it - makes me feel like a 5 year old with a knee ow-ie.

Thankfully neither of the ladies I'd been chatting with on the front lawn saw the actual fall.  Thanks, Mom, I inherited your grace. (And I fear I responsible for passing it on - other family members have taken a tumble this week.  Sigh....)

This morning when I left the house for my walk (it was very slow) there was a rainbow toward the south end of the valley.  It got brighter, but I never managed to get a better picture. It surely was pretty through my sunglasses.

Yep, we'll see how that goes.
Yesterday afternoon I volunteered to help out at the funeral.  They probably really had plenty of help, I felt a bit extraneous.  But those in charge of the kitchen were gracious and welcoming, and really, I wanted to do it for our friend who'd just lost her husband.  I'm glad I went.  An extra plus was seeing how other wards handle funerals, I picked up a couple tips that might help us for our next one.  Though I hope it's quite some time, I'm not quite ready to do another one.

I'm grateful this morning for the extra incentive to practice the piano.  It seems to work out some of the pain in my hands from falling on them.  I'm grateful for ibuprofen for pain (yes, it does help). I'm grateful for kind souls who volunteer to help in such a way that you sense they really do care and truly do want to do their part to help you out.

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