The best dinner! |
Was surprised yesterday morning to walk home along the trail and see this signage blocking the trail that goes behind our house. Have no idea how long it's been there. And yes, I still see heads bobbing along above the fence so apparently the sign has no effect.
Our grandson wrecked on his scooter today. Broken arm, both bones. Poor little guy, I know how that hurts. And am grateful that I apparently didn't break any bones when I fell last week. The knees and hands are still sore. But I'm mobile and that's important to me.
Tonight I am feeling a tender heart. I went to renew my temple recommend - at the Stake center. The member of the stake presidency interviewing me asked me how long I'd had a recommend. When I told him 45 years he asked me to think about how much that must mean to Heavenly Father, that someone He cares about has endeavored for so long to be worthy of the temple blessings. There I was, anxious and concerned about several things, feeling (like I pretty much always do) so much "less" than. And he totally turned my thinking around. He reminded me that after all this time and effort the gospel of Jesus Christ is part of me, it's who I am and really who I want to be. And yes, he made my eyes leak. Then he made me pinky promise to banish Satan whenever that nasty guy tries to discourage me. And admonished me that you can never ever break a pinky promise. And do you know? At this moment I do feel a bit impervious to that deceitful being. (And I've pinky promised to continue to be strong against him.)
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Soon there'll be houses there! |
I'm grateful for kind souls. There can never be too much kindness in this world. I'm grateful for cellphones that keep me in constant touch with The Husband wherever he is, I never want him to forget me. :^) I'm grateful for the end of a miserable month and the beginning of one that I hope to be less miserable, even if it's only incremental. I'm grateful that I'm old enough to have a frozen custard for dinner if I feel like it. And I thoroughly savored every spoonful, was a tad let-down when it was all gone. I'm grateful that we have the kind of neighborhood that sometimes it takes nearly an hour to take out the garbage cans because people are out and about and wanting to exchange some pleasant conversation.
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