Another New Week

I totally agree!
This morning it is cloudy out.  Lately at 11 a.m. it would be at least 85 out.  Right now it is 73 lovely degrees.  I am thoroughly enjoying this little respite from the heat.

The other thing I'm thoroughly enjoying?  Having The Husband home.  I know, it was only 4 days.  It felt like 4 lifetimes that he was gone.

And I'm trying to think - what's been going on.  Friday we mostly just wanted to stay in constant proximity / touching distance to each other. We took a very quick trip to American Fork Canyon - to the National Park station there where we picked up our lifetime senior park pass.  The cost is going from $10 per pass to something like $80 per pass so we wanted to only pay the cheaper rate.  I am totally aware that it's been quite some time since we've paid any admission to a national park.  Best to be prepared, never know when the whim will strike.  :^)

We went out with some friends Saturday night.  We so enjoy them. Had some mexican food followed by ice cream followed by moans and groans and calling it an early night since a couple of us needed to stretch out in a reclining position because we were so full.  Still, it was a nice evening.

And church yesterday was better for me - my turn at the organ and at the piano in Relief Society (my turns for both coincided for July) were over since it's now August.  Was nice to go and just attend.  I enjoyed the day.

Our granddaughter has arrived.  She's spending a bit of time with us while she and her fiance count down the days to the wedding by getting stuff done:  finding an apartment, finding jobs, figuring things out.  She's a sweetheart and we hope for the best for her, as we hope for all our loved ones.

And the pictures:  I couldn't resist including the one from my calendar - but wherever did they find a picture of me to use? The roses are in our neighbors yard, and they just looked really pretty in yesterday afternoon's sun when we took a quick walk. The grapevine caught my eye on my walk this morning, those grape-lets just speak hope to me.  And the last one?  I ran into Walgreen's to pick up a birthday card and noticed this one labeled "large print".  5 years ago I probably would have never noticed something like this.  (And maybe five years ago it didn't exist.)  My physical age will never match my mental status.

Today I am beyond grateful to have The Husband home.  I ran into a friend on the trail this morning, and took so long chatting with her that he grabbed his shoes and hot-footed it out to make sure I was ok. How grateful I am for his tender care.  I'm grateful for mouse-traps, we'll get that little critter (the one just outside our back door) sooner or later (or maybe we'll just scare it away!). I'm grateful for aloe vera plants, and for washing machines and for projects to look forward to.  And I'm grateful for Sundays to help focus on things beyond this world, for the hope that knowledge brings.

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