I Think

I think I talk too much.

I think I have an overdeveloped sense of obligation/responsibility.

I think I have an underdeveloped sense of delegation (absolutely abhor asking anyone to do anything.)

I think I like going to lunch with my friends who are completely patient with my whining.

I think I don't like tarantulas crawling across the driveway - ones so big that they are clearly obvious even as far away as the street.

I think I'm glad for next door neighbor boys that want said tarantula.

I think I am more comfortable with days that aren't so crazy busy.

I think I'd like to replace my Prius.

I think I am grateful:  grateful for a husband who is so totally supportive of me in every way.  I'm grateful that tomorrow is friday, hoping the weekend will be nice.   I'm grateful for phones that take pictures, that allow me to send messages and actually talk to people.  I'm grateful for a play to go to tonight, for a (so far) decent hair cut this morning and for comfy shoes.

And I'm grateful for conference, that we can sit in the comfort of our family room (even in my jammies if I choose) and hear the words of counsel, encouragement and guidance from those whose testimonies are as valuable to them as mine is to me.

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