I Like Fridays

Pretty sun on mountains, pretty moon setting.
So the other day the Charger had to go to the dealer for a recall fix.  When we picked it up, the woman helping us chattered away while we waited for the printer to do its thing.  She was talking about her cold and how she's been postponing her visit to her Grandma because she didn't want to make her sick.  Her 90 year old, frail grandmother.  I couldn't help but be happy on behalf of the grandmother who has someone care for her like that.  And I gave a mental nod of appreciation to the woman for watching out for her grandma.  They're both lucky.  Those relationships don't automatically happen, and kudos to them both for making it happen.

This morning's walk was absolutely wonderful.  Yes, I do go on about my morning walks.  Can't help it.  And though I try to utilize the "art of understatement" (superlatives often lose their impact from overuse - think of the way awesome is used so much that it's just another word now) this morning's sunrise was pretty stunning.  We've a storm coming in (predicted to be another whopper (still getting the hang of the understatement thing) - up to 8" of (more) snow expected between tonight and Sunday morning) so the wind is making its presence obvious.  That means the clouds were moving quite briskly across the sky and the rising sun created the most gorgeous colors.  Right under the coral clouds the snow was blowing in drifts from the mountain peaks - so pretty and looked so cold.  The air is crisp and clear and I just loved being out there.  And my walk ended my very favorite way:  The Husband walked out to greet me, strengthening my lean as we walked home - into the wind.

We went for a rare lunch out yesterday.   (Costco:  $1.50 for a polish dog and a drink, $3.99 for a "cup" of chili, $1.00 for a twisted (warm - yum!) churro and we were full for under $7.) Were only gone maybe an hour. And wouldn't you know it?  We missed a special visitor.  Came home to a couple bunches of flowers on the front porch.  The mystery was solved when I heard from our son.  His wife had a work thing up here (they live in the next county south) and had stopped to see us.  And there I was - thinking about how I recently said our neighbor was lucky because she has a daughter-in-law that cares enough to bring her flowers.  How grateful I am for such a thoughtful daughter-in-law and how glad I am that she and our son found each other.

Today I'm grateful for the presence of mind to keep my peace and not speak - on the rare occasions when I actually manage that.  I'm grateful for a snug warm home that withstands the storms and keeps us safe.  I'm grateful for days that begin with nature, making it easy to thank Heavenly Father for His generous bounty.

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