
Sometimes it feels like I live life in a perpetual state of puzzlement.  I'm constantly puzzled by the words and actions of others.  And I try really hard to not let those thoughts wander into the realm of judgment, I'm working really hard on not being critical and judgmental. But yes, head-shaking is definitely a familiar action.

Things that puzzle me:

How do you lose a shoe?
• How someone can leave a single shoe along the trail.  Not near a playground where one might conceivably take off shoes to play with littles, but along the trail, nothing but pavement around.  And a single shoe?

• Why someone pays a fair amount of $$ to go to a movie then spend the entire time texting/on their phone.

• Why people's buttons are so easy to push when it comes to politics. (Just walk away, don't engage, refuse to argue.  Opinions are rarely changed in that kind of situation.)

• Why people seem to think I haven't a brain. I'm 66 years old and haven't mucked up my life too terribly.  I think I can perform simple tasks without instructions.  ;^)

• Why is it always windy in Draper except when it's cool at night and you want the breeze to push the hot-er air out of the house?

• Why does our pumpkin plant have multiple pumpkins growing but the watermelon none?  There are lots of blooms, no melons.

• I love that people are often kind and thoughtful, others are good listeners.  Why can't I do better at both?

• We bought tickets (on Monday when we were at the theater) for Saturday's movie.  Then a couple days later received an invitation to attend that same movie at another time with friends. That sort of thing seems to happen quite often.

This morning's haul.
Last week was filled with appointments.  The Husband is trying to make sure we're pretty well caught up on stuff in case he decides to "retire".   It felt busier than usual and perhaps busier than I'm used to.  But it was mostly good stuff.

I'm working on not feeling "less" than.  It's hard for me.  I'm surrounded by more important/qualified/brilliant/wealthy/valued people. I keep giving myself the "pep talk":  Heavenly Father loves me too.  Just as much.  Someday maybe that lesson will truly permeate my soul.

I'm grateful for our garden this year.  It's always a learning experience for us, it never seems the same two years in a row (and if we skip a year like happened this last time, we've forgotten all we ever knew about gardening). But it's been fun to share the early tomatoes with whoever we can.  It's been fun to see the progress.  And hopefully it'll be fun to eat the carrots and corn and if we're lucky, even a watermelon.  Thanks to The Husband for always making life rich with love and experiences.  Yes, I am grateful.

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