Smoky Friday

Walked out the door this morning (at 6:30) to heat.  And smoke.  It feels like the whole state is on fire. Again.  And it seems early this year for so many fires and so much heat.  By the time I returned home just before 8 it was hotter and smokier.  I'll be staying inside today.

Yesterday we had the air conditioners tuned-up.  As hot as it has been we want them in top shape and they haven't been touched (serviced in any way) since the day they were installed.  We were impressed with both the technician and  the company.  We'll use them again.

So the technician was doing his work, we kept an eye on things as we always do (never know when we'll need to be informed of something or answer some questions).  Wasn't long before he was asking us how long we'd been married, "you two do everything together, you're so cute".

Yup, am so grateful for The Husband.

On my walk this morning I noticed this little bird sitting on a rail leaned up against a fence. Looks like an immature starling (so, definitely not my favorite bird) and it was just kind of sweet sitting there.  I couldn't get any closer because of the brush between the trail and the fence so the picture has been cropped and cropped.  Hopefully the birdlet is visible.

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