Been A Whole Week...

...since I've put my thoughts down here.  I'm trying to remember what's been going on.  

I did some cleaning and we ran some stuff over to D. I. to donate.  That's always a good feeling.  I finished a couple books.  My favorite was "Divine Quietness Finding Meaning When Heaven Is Silent" by Emily Robison Adams.  Must have been my mindset but I found this book to be fabulous.

We had our daughter and son-in-law visit for Saturday and Sunday.  What fun it is to have them closer and get to see them more often.  Our other daughter played her flute in Sacrament meeting and I think it was lovely for her to have her sister's support.  (She played beautifully and I think her goal of bringing the Spirit to the meeting was fulfilled.)  

Yesterday when we walked The Husband paid close attention to the ground, mentioned that he was looking to find some more coins.  He also frequently says he's looking for deer.  We have seen them pretty much every time we've walked lately, it's always fun to see the wildlife.   So this morning, he not only found a penny, but we also saw the Mom and spotted fawns again.  Nice way to begin the day.

Mom and fawns.
Used gift cards for dinner out last night with a couple friends.  We love getting together with them.  As we often do, we talked about our situations in life, where we live and how we feel a bit out-of-place because neither of us is as financially affluent as those around us.  Our friend told how her Dad has said that he feels a bit of a failure because he hasn't money to leave her or any of her siblings, he never was wealthy that way.  And she kind of teared up when she said she told him he gave her the gospel and "that is everything! "  She reiterated quite emphatically that it is everything to her and what a priceless gift that has been.  I was struck by her testimony and how deeply she feels it.  Admirable.  And goal-worthy.

Find a penny, pick it up...
Came home to a half-cool, half-warm house.  We've two air conditioners.  (Remember, when we built the house it was a first time (and probably the only time) experience for us and we just went along with the plans/specs.  Apparently this house requires two air conditioners, so we have two.  Sheesh.)  One of them is out.  Because the air coming into the house was warm, the fan just kept running because it was trying to get to the set temp.  Sigh.  So now, they're both off because the one that's working was working overtime trying to compensate - don't want to burn it out.

First thing this morning The Husband was on the phone to the company we used for the furnace replacement a year or so ago.  They're scheduled to come out this afternoon (wow, quick service, right?).  Fingers are crossed (and of course, prayers said) that it will be a fairly inexpensive repair rather than an expensive replacement.  But both units are 22 years old.  We'll see.

I'm grateful today that we can call and get someone out to help us with issues that we are simply incapable of fixing.   And grateful that we'll be able to pay for it all.  (It won't be comfortable or easy to part with the money, but at least we have some to use.) Grateful for a cool enough night that we've blown in the coolness with a fan to reduce the heat until we can solve the problem.  Grateful in the first place for the luxury of air conditioning.  It's supposed to be over 100 degrees on Sunday.  I will never ever take air conditioning for granted.   

And I'm especially grateful today for prayers.  I'm working hard on eliminating the negative from my thoughts/words.  I know that prayers are helping.

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