Another Week

 Each week, I write out a little list of things that we've got going on, put it on the fridge and derive great satisfaction from marking things off each day.  Walking into exercise class this morning, I was mentally ticking off what I'd already done by 9:30 a.m. • Went for a walk with The Husband.  Saw 12 deer - haven't ever, ever seen that many on our morning walk.  Could have been a few we saw twice, but still, very fun.  Some ran across the street right in front of us, not ten feet ahead.  Delightful. • Did two loads of laundry, washed and dried and a third was in the washing machine. • Showered and did my hair. • Checked my email to see if I'd had a response from the garage door people, or the insurance people.  Nope.  But it still took some time.

Sunday a.m.
And all of that was before class.  Since then, I've fixed lunch for The Husband, ate my breakfast/lunch, tidied up after lunch, finished up the laundry, vacuumed the entire main floor, practiced the piano (pretending it's the church organ, getting ready for Sunday) checked email again, went through the mail.  And yup, I'm tired.  Class this morning was good, but I think it's a given that I'm going to have to get another dumbbell, just have to figure out which weight would be best.  So happy that my shoulders are holding up and being strengthened by this class.  

I finished book three in a series I'm reading.  I can't remember when I've read such fun books.  "The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion".  I absolutely adore the author's writing style, her sense of humor and the character of Miss Lion.  I couldn't recommend them enough.

I have one piece of chocolates from the box of See's that was given me a couple months ago.  So fun to just break it out every once in a while, share with my bestest and then put it back for the next time.  It's been one of those little luxuries that seem to brighten my afternoon, if only for a bit.

The pictures - sunrise on Sunday and again this morning.  They've caused us to stop and stare in the middle of the road.  Unrepentantly. And the gold globe is an amaryllis.  Our neighbor brought it over yesterday afternoon.  I haven't ever seen one like that.  He cautioned us against giving in to temptation and watering it.  Nope, don't do it.  Just put it somewhere and watch it grow.  I so admire their kindness and generosity.  I guess I don't think about other people enough.  And don't think of things to do to bring them happiness.  Of course, we are not wealthy, just getting by on our social security funds.  But still, I'm sure I could do better.

Monday a.m.
Headed over to a ward member's house on Friday afternoon at the request of the R.S. president.  Cute young mom was trying to replicate a blanket that had been given to her when the twins were born.  She had had a smaller one made for the boys to haul around.  But...they are having a bit of a power struggle over who controls/owns the blanket.  So she set about making a second one determined that it had to be an exact match.  I spent over an hour with her trying to figure out the one particular stitch.  With zero success.  I think the original crocheter made it up.  I left feeling like a disappointment because I couldn't help, but also telling her my thoughts about a possible work around.  Last night received some texts - she'd found a similar joining stitch online and had finished the blanket.  It looks great and I really don't think either of the boys will be able to tell the difference.  Good for her!  I well remember how important those cuddle blankets are for littles.

Grateful today for accomplishing some things. And for some things that we can actually accomplish throughout the week.  It feels good.

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