Found It!!!

Simply Scrumptious
Saturday after the Storehouse, (I went by myself because The Husband cut his foot and couldn't go - I missed him terribly) I picked up The Husband and we went to Chick-Fil-A.  For someone who spent the first 45+ years of our marriage saying he doesn't like fowl, he's surely done an about face.  He even orders chicken nuggets at a burger place.😊 Anyway, he does love chicken these days.  I had some reward points that I needed to use.  So I splurged and bought myself the one and only peppermint shake I'll get this season.  It's a good thing it's a seasonal item at Chick-Fil-A or I'd be having one 52 weeks of the year.  I tried to get one for The Husband but he was content with his Dr. Pepper. 

The Husband was absolutely positive my lost earring, the favorite pair of mine, was under the bed.  It couldn't have gone anywhere else, he said.  So today, was the day.  It meant removing all the pillows, the spread, the bedding, the mattress and the foundation.  Whew- a lot of work (especially for two old people). We lifted off the foundation from the frame and I squealed! There it was in the dust between the leaves of our dining table that we store under the bed. We likely would not have found it had we not gone through all that effort. But in my mind: totally worth it.  It's been odd to not just mindlessly put those earrings on for the last week or so, I've had to actually think about what to wear.  Even though it's been kind of fun to sort through and decide what to wear each day, I'm so, so, so happy to have a complete pair of my favorites again.

Woke up this morning at 4:30.  Tried to sleep for a whole hour before I finally gave up and got in the shower.  That meant my hair was done and I was finished at the grocery by 7:45 a.m.  It's amazing what you can accomplish when you get up before most of the rest of the world.  That time of the morning is the perfect time to shop, I practically had the store to myself.  

Yay, we found it!!
We spent a couple hours on Friday at the Apple Store trying to figure out the issues with my phone. The employee decided to do a big software update - which update my phone couldn't even find, so it got hooked up to a computer and we sat and chatted while the two devices did their thing.  The jury is still out whether or not I'll need to have the phone's battery replaced.  I don't want to spend money until I absolutely have to for multiple reasons.  Not the least of which is I like my phone.  Though I could probably spring for a new case, what is it about phone cases that look so grungy and dirty after a while? But, not buying a new case for this phone unless/until I find out if I'm replacing the battery or the phone and that'll take a bit of time.  I'm content to be patient.

Already thinking about Christmas.  So grateful that The Husband and I are pretty much content.  Not only do we not really need a thing, but we don't have much of a case of the "wants" either.  Grateful that all the family has places to be on Thursday's Thanksgiving dinner and I won't be overly stressed trying to do too much.  If everyone decided to come here it would be lovely, too.  Just looking for the blessings in every day.  I was grateful to be back at exercise class today, though after all the laundry and vacuuming and taking the bed apart/putting it back together again for the earring, I think I'll head in for some ibuprofen.  Also, so grateful for ibuprofen.  (P.S. - can't believe how blurry that picture of my earring is - guess my phone doesn't do close-ups that close.  Isn't worth fixing or re-doing.  Just happy to have a pic of the complete pair.)

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