It's Been a Week

Is it just our age?  Why are we at dr.'s offices so much these days?  I am so grateful the podiatrist we saw for the first time is such a good one.  The Husband is feeling much better, though it will take a bit of time to fully heal.  And I get to play "nurse" for him, taking care of his feet.  I hope I do it well enough. 

$15+ for this? 
The audiologist was helpful.  I think.  I wish the hearing aids were more pleasing to The Husband.  Frankly, I've never heard anyone be super happy with their hearing aids, they just can't do the same as one's own ears when said ears were at their best.  I dislike how annoying my own tinnitus is, can only imagine how much worse it is for The Husband.  We'll keep trying to fine tune the hearing aids, The Husband is a good sport about continuing with something he doesn't really like.

We spent a couple hours at the Apple store today, trying to figure out the trouble with my phone.  He thinks  it's a software glitch.  My phone was so upset it couldn't locate the software updates that needed to be installed.  Out came the computer to hook up to my phone and we chatted with the employee while the computer/phone slowly did their thing.  I'm not quite sure the battery issue is resolved, but at $69 for a battery replacement it won't be too painful if we have to go that route.  I'm not anxious to spend a lot (or any) of money for a new phone.

While we were waiting for our appointment we had some time to kill so off to wander the mall we went.  Ended up at the food court, of course.  Everytime we are in a mall and see an Orange Julius I always want one.  The Husband was anxious to fulfill my desire.  When I saw how much they cost I nearly turned and ran.  The small (maybe 10 - coulda been 12 - oz or so) was $6.99 - before tax. When The Husband saw how for only a bit more cash he could have a medium he went with that.  Our entire lunch money for tomorrow went for two measly (and somewhat mediocre) drinks.  That is why I pretty much never spend money on a drink.  Long ago I invited a friend to go with me to Jamba Juice and was bluntly told:  I don't drink my calories.  While I still don't quite appreciate her verbal response (can still hear how condescending she sounded) I somewhat agree with her philosophy.  The Husband and I have a pact to not buy soft drinks at eateries, too much money for flavored water.  I just can't do it.

The mums out front are finally giving up.  We've had some cold nights, more rain is expected and we've had w-a-y more beauty from them this year than usual. I won't mourn them too much when we trim them down for the winter.  They did their job and brightened the front of our house.  So very pretty.

Since The Husband has been unable to walk with me, I've been on several morning walks by myself, pepper spray in hand.  At 72 years of age I'm still afraid of the dark.  I really lean on my bestie to take care of me and miss when he isn't with me.  And while I've enjoyed my walks, they just aren't the same. 

And the picture of the bike and flowers?  Just something I saw on the internet that grabbed my attention.  I just love the beauty of this world.

Tonight I'm grateful for hope that my phone will last a bit longer, it's just barely three years old, I need to get some more value for the money we spent on it. I'm grateful for Thanksgiving this next week.  I want to always find something to be thankful for.  This area we live in is quite affluent (except for us and a couple other old-timers) so it's easy to feel discontent.  Which is totally opposite what I want to feel.  I'm glad for a reminder that there is always something to be grateful for. I'm grateful to be invited in for a tiny gabfest when I dropped a birthday card off for a friend.  She's the age of my daughter but has always treated me like I was important.  What a treasure. 

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