
It feels strange to me.  Everything.  

the flowers were prettier

Remember that field of beautiful cosmos flowers?  We walked by a couple days later and the field was  just flat dirt, no flowers.  A day or so later there was a barn there, on bricks.  Next, trenches dug for a foundation.  And finally yesterday there was cement in the foundation trenches.  I miss the flowers.

Still haven't found my earring. One of our tasks on the list this week is to move the bed in addition to the night stand.  I think we'd have seen the earring if it was there.  And I've vacuumed.  Still nothing.

Read a couple things the other day.  One was a life motto:  you can leave footprints to follow or scars to heal.  Or something along those lines.  And this one attributed to Maya Angelou:  Every storm runs out of rain.  That's an optimistic thought.

Witnessed someone behave the other way that I've never seen in public before.  A full grown man yelling and screaming profanities, insults and rage at a woman because he wasn't getting what he wanted (he needs to go through proper channels).  It was truly awful.  And the sweet woman that she was never raised her voice, stood her ground and was a huge example of how to do it right when confronted with that abusiveness.  I was a coward and went around the corner out of sight.  Made me tremble.

I've a renewed aversion to doctors. And yup, I've just deleted an entire paragraph - just too much.  Sigh.

Missed our morning walk today because of a conflict.  Tomorrow will be the same.  Another sigh.

We splurged and bought a couple new wreaths for the front door.  The old winter ones were dropping stuff right and left, besides which they just looked bedraggled. Joann's had them for 60% off.  We bought a couple we really liked.  Since our door is glass we need two.  They're really fun.

And another oddity that we saw.  Stopped for a cookie before our (what a luxury it is for us) concert at the symphony on Friday evening.  Watched this family come in, a boy about 10 or 11 walk over, pick up a pat of butter, unwrap it and proceed to eat it, bite by bite.  It was kinda painful for me to watch. 

I'm grateful today for good, decent and kind people who end up being doctors.  Wish they all were like that. Grateful The Husband was so willing to take his blower over to our friend's (she's in the beginning of some ugly medical stuff) and blow off her front porch.  It's been so windy today she might not even notice, but we walked over and he cleaned everything off nicely.  He's a keeper.

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