And It Just Gets Better....

 Heading over to the nightstand, taking off my earrings to put in the drawer, I dropped them.  One bounced off under the bed somewhere.  Or so I thought.  It has completely evaporated into thin air.

My favorite hoop earrings with the tiny, tiny diamonds that I wear almost every single day. 

One earring doesn't make a pair.  One is missing.  

Obviously we've looked high and low, crawling under the bed, flashlight illuminating every speck of dust (of which there are myriads) but no.  No earring.  Where it could have gone is just baffling.  But gone it is.


I think I won't speak to anyone, do anything, touch anything.  I'm just going to sit in a corner and wait for the destructive forces that seem to be hovering over every part of me to get tired and slither away.  I'm worn out by the events of the day.

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