Where Has The Time Gone?

So sad.
I just looked at the date of my last entry here and was astonished that it had been so long ago.  I often compose things I want to say in my head, just when I'm doing about my daily life, so I guess I must have figured I'd put them down here already.

We have a son who we only get to see a handful of times in any given year.  In the past he's gifted me some plants.  I have apparently lost whatever tiny bit of plant growing abilities I ever had.  Most every living thing he's given me has died.  Quickly.  A couple years ago he gave me a very lovely little orchid.  It bloomed for an entire year.  Then, nothing.  I spent a bit of money on new medium and fertilizer and repotted it.  Faithfully watched over and cared for it for another year.  But I think it is truly gone now. The Husband said, water it anyway and it might come back.  (Ever the optimist he is.)  My heart knows I have killed yet another one.

Quite frankly, my desire to have many plants has dissipated.  I know they are healthy to have in a home, for multiple reasons.  I just can't find the "oomph" to want to care for another living thing. My snake plant hasn't quite gone yet, and the start from the hoya is doing fine.  But both of those seem to do ok with some benign neglect.  I am sad to disappoint our son; on the rare occasions we see them, one of the first things he does is to check out my plants to see how they're doing.  I think I'll have to live with his disappointment.

Happier thoughts though are for the wax covered amaryllis, it is just doing its growing thing - we are so looking forward to the blooms.  And it requires nothing but some sunlight.  In fact the directions say no watering, which is hard, but I'll manage.😁

Much happier.
Dental checkups today.  They fit us in on a cancellation, had a new hygienist.  Liked her.  The best news was we are both doing fine.  A couple of teeth they are keeping an eye on (I have a cracked crown- sigh...but it's been cracked for a few years and I don't plan to replace it until absolutely necessary) for both of us, but no follow-ups until our next visit in 6 months.  Yay for us!

We've been in the upper 50's the last few days.  Delightful temps, crummy air quality.  It's been windy today and threatening clouds that have spit out a few sprinkles.  Snow is predicted overnight tonight and most of the day tomorrow.  So The Husband has been out putting the plow blade on his aging John Deere.  And putting the snow blower in the garage so it's available.  Maybe that will do it and it won't snow. :^)

We have most of Christmas done.  A few things to get still, but those are mostly just go and buy what we know we want.  We've spent less again this year.  That still does provoke a bit of guilt in me - somehow I always have this need to be overly generous.  I figure the people that we love know we love them.  We try hard to make that evident. And that is hopefully more important than any tangible thing I would buy. I heard on the news the other night that 25% of Americans are still paying off their last year's Christmas debt.  Thank goodness we've never bought stuff we couldn't afford.  That is one stress we have happily eliminated from our lives. 

It's been so different being a one-car family.  The Husband has been such a good sport about me doing most of the driving.  In some ways I think he actually enjoys it.  He'll drive when he wants to.  Otherwise, I'm fine with it.  We're pretty much always together anyway so it makes sense to only have one car.

After the dentist appointment today I quietly cheered in the car.  Except for a follow-up with the podiatrist in 12 days, we are done with doctors for the foreseeable future.  It's been burdensome and stressful the last while.  And I'm weary of shelling out $30 every single time we walk in the door. The Husband's toe is looking better, this second round of antibiotics seems to be helping already. My knees are getting some extra care for the aching that always comes when it gets colder.  I need to figure out a way to send that incessant pain in my long-ago-broken ankle packing. 

Today I'm grateful for decent news at the dentist.  For something to get The Husband for Christmas.  For the reduction in anxiety that both of those things provided me.  And especially for the room darkening shades in the bathroom.  They have been worth every single penny.  There are new lights installed there - those permanent ones by Jellyfish lighting.  They're not super bright and are only on until midnight every night, but there's just enough glow through the window that it keeps me awake.  I resent having had to spend the money on them (and I dislike feeling resentment) but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  What a blessing for me personally.

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