Inspection - Among Other Things Going Through My Head....

 I hear the word inspection and I immediately go into mental panic mode.  It always strikes me with fear and trembling.  The inspection for the new homeowner's insurance policy had us all in a tizzy.  For more than a minute.  The inspection seemed to go well and since it's been several weeks since then, (and our agent hasn't heard anything negative) I guess it's safe in this instance to assume all is well.

Sitting waiting for the ENT the other day (yet another cauterization for The Husband's nose, hope this one really takes and works for a long time) I got a phone call.  Don't usually answer numbers I don't recognize but was prompted to answer this one.  Those new water heaters?  They have to be inspected by the city to make sure everything is properly done.  Oh, really?  I guess the installer told me that, but I totally wiped that clean out of my mind (was in overload mode).  It needs to be done within a certain time frame or you have to pay $$. Yikes, let's get it scheduled.  Today was the day.  The inspector arrived promptly within the scheduled time frame, stood in the HVAC room (do they call it that when it's just in a cubby in the basement of a home?) for less than five minutes, mentally and verbally checking things off her list and then she was gone.  I wish all inspections could be so easy and stress free.

And those water heaters?  The water pipes are on a circular system operated by a pump that keeps hot water flowing through at the hours set by the timer.  That way it doesn't use energy sending the hot water around during the night but the laundry room at the far end of the house gets hot water really quickly during times of need.  Well, the pump/timer has been "ticking".  I think it's the slow tick of death.  The other day I couldn't get any hot water from the sink until the tap was running for about 10 minutes.  Lots of wasted water. So, out they'll come tomorrow and I suspect it'll be another huge bill for us. Pretty important, though. At least we've had a bit of a break from too much stuff all needing time/money/attention at once.  I think I can handle this one ok. 

Was able to get back to my exercise class this morning.  Came out of there feeling really good.  It was fun to see my friend - she even got to meet The Husband and later texted that he's taller than she expected and good looking (yes, he is good looking, even at 72).  I so enjoy it when you can move and it doesn't hurt. 40+ oldsters all doing their best in this class makes it fun.  Enough energy in the room that it's helpful while enough bodies that you can feel almost anonymous - the way I like it.

Happy for the sunshine.
It's been hovering around 50 degrees for a while. The nights are around freezing but during the day we get warm, yesterday and today it's even been sunny, almost feels like spring. I've done a bit of a survey of the trees and plants.  Lots of our deciduous trees have teensy tiny buds.  YAY! I noticed that there are also teensy tiny shoots of peonies coming up and even the iris plants that were given to us (that bloomed so beautifully last year) look like they want to grow. 

I've managed to get through a couple books.  And am making slow but steady (yup, I'm like a tortoise) progress on the crochet throw blanket.  Tomorrow it'll be a much needed grocery trip. 

Grateful today for a completed (and trouble free) inspection.  Grateful for a couple people I can call "friend" - I need a couple more but am thankful for the few that I have.  Grateful for the sunshine that lightens the very corners of my heart. Also thankful for a good eye exam - I think the dr. has finally decided that my natural eye pressure is on the high end of what the profession likes.  Everything is stable and not changing and all looks good, so it's just me being me.  And he gave me samples of some eye drops that I think I like and will probably purchase.  Too much dry air in the house while I'm squinting at my book/iPad/crochet.  And I'm grateful for something to look forward to.  I think a trip is just the right thing, it'll be so fun.

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