
 Another week almost done.  Another week toward the fall when my body will be happier that the temps are so much lower.  I do not do well in the heat.  I'm sure people are tired of hearing me say that, it is after all a complaint of sorts.

We've been on some morning walks.  I love it when it's cool overnight, that means the morning walks are pleasant.  A couple mornings it was 78/80 degrees.  Not quite so pleasant.  But the skies have been lovely, the honeysuckle is in full bloom (we can smell it long before we see it) and we've seen deer.  

I've dispensed with my morning walk on the days I do class at the rec center.  It's just too much pressure (not doing well with pressure these days) to try to get a walk in then get showered and ready to go in time.  I figure the work in class more than makes up for walking, and it uses other muscles which is good for me.  Right?  But even though I get some really solid exercise in class, my head misses the morning peace.  When things are peaceful, my world goes well.

The Husband brought in the very first tomatoes of the season.  4 tiny cherry tomatoes.  The strawberries are still going fine and the garden survived the hailstorm we had a week ago yesterday.  We've suspended our subscription to Pestie.  I loved their service and their customer service was great.  It just got w-a-y too expensive for us to continue.  The Husband will be out spraying the stuff we bought as soon as he can get a minute.

Love the honeysuckle scent
Our beloved blue atlas cedar in the front yard is truly dead.  We told the tree people to not bother with the upcoming 2 foliar fertilizing treatments.  There is no sense spending the money when we'll have to have it taken down anyway.  I can't even take a picture of it right now, it's too awful.  We've been contacted by two separate people offering to take it down, it's that much of an eyesore. Sigh.

We went the other day in mid-afternoon (the best time to go if you don't have a reservation) to Cheesecake Factory.  Our grandson gave The Husband a gift card for his birthday which was begging to be spent.  So, we shared a dinner sized entree (still had enough for leftovers the next day) and then we each had a piece of cheesecake. The Husband insisted we each have our own.  What a luxury!! Especially since each piece averages about1200 calories apiece. I opted for the pineapple upside down cheesecake - so heavenly.  As a matter of course, I pushed the piles of whipped cream off to the side.  Later discovered that the whipped cream I'd avoided was pineapple flavored.  Who'd have thought?  Still couldn't eat it.  It just feels like eating a bunch of fatty sugary grease to me.  I know, I'm weird.

Today I'm grateful for a little project to do that's nearly half finished.  I love when I can do something for someone else.  I'm totally grateful for the lawn mowers.  They do a great job, are in and out in about half an hour and they are within our budgetary allowances.  They are worth every penny.  I'm grateful for gift cards to places to eat.  And am grateful for our air conditioners that are still plugging along.  I'm loathe to spend the money to replace them but considering that they're 23 years old, I know what to expect.  Just hope it's later rather than sooner.  I'll be working hard today - again - to be positive.  Grateful for the new day that provides a chance to try again.

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